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THE WINNERS hortensia
anderson Pamela
A. Babusci John
Barlow Sarah
Birl Marjorie
A. Buettner x 3 Katryn
Dougherty Amelia
Fielden Suzanne
Finnegan Lawrence
Fitzgerald Erin
Harte Cherie
Hunter Day Bergen
Hutaff Doris
Kasson x 2 M.L.
Mackie x 2 Thelma
Mariano Keith
McMahen x 2 Joanne Morcom Lin
Nulman Grant
D. Savage Tracy
Schlueter David
Steele’ George
Swede Martina
Taeker John A.
Vanek Alison
Williams Jane E.
With great pleasure AHA Books announces the poems picked as best by the participants of the contest for this year. There were a total of 202 single tanka and twenty-one tanka sequences as accepted entries. These were written by 98 authors. Each author submitting with an e-mail address was sent a list of all the anonymous entries which they then judged by picking ten of the individual tanka and three best sequences. In addition, each pick could be given a grade of A, B, or C. The grade then added to the one-point vote with either five, four or three points. From these totals, the 31 tanka with top scores and the three sequences with the most points were declared winners. The poems are listed in order beginning with those receiving the least points, 17, and ending with the tanka given the highest number of points – 40. The winning sequences had 34, 37, and 39 points each.
Oh, you silly words! Maria Szabo
early morning Keith McMahen
A column of clouds Katryn Dougherty
expect the end Marjorie A Buettner
coming to bed John Barlow
Silver fish frozen John A. Vanek
on nights like this Thelma Mariano
Cinco de Mayo- Erin Harte
from Japan
Amelia Fielden
cold jelly slathered Sarah Birl
wishing to ease Pamela
A, Babusci
for years now
from over my shoulder Doris Kasson
planting flowers Marjorie A Buettner
she says M.L. Mackie
sleepless Martina Taeker
closing the door David Steele
in one M.L. Mackie
You leave me hungry Bergen Hutaff
waking each morning Lawrence Fitzgerald
with each snip Keith McMahen
waiting for my
son Cherie Hunter Day
was it your hand Marjorie A Buettner
scattered rocks Jane E. Wilson
for my deaf
niece hortensia anderson
in the dark with you Tracy Schlueter
holding the letter Alan Spring
when i tell her Doris Kasson
bedridden Joanne Morcom
Spellbound at the window George Swede
SNOW SCENES drinking tea your sheets your hair snow fills the shadows sun on snow melt drifting aimlessly POEMS OF ONE NIGHT I'm sure people crossed Poets and liars Passengers near me Something reads my palm
SCENES FROM HER DEATH I was always In tornado season, The eerie quiet We find
words, The murmur
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Check out the TANKA SPLENDOR Contest Rules so you can enter the next contest after June 1, 2004. The deadline for the new contest is September 30, 2004. Read online the results of past contests Tanka Splendor 2003 Purchase copies of Tanka Splendor from AHA Books Bookshelf.
Poems Copyright © Designated
Authors 2003. Tanka Splendor and this web page Copyright © Jane Reichhold 2003. Because of the current practice of some harvesting addresses for spamming, the poems are listed by names only. If you wish to correspond with any of these persons, you can obtain the author’s address by e-mail. | ||||