An AHA Online Book 2003 |
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INTRODUCTION Shadows reaching down out of trees, petals fluttering to the moon, lovers' hearts embracing on distant roads. Welcome to the moonlit world of Gerard John Conforti's tanka. Here you will find a sweeping panorama of romance and emotion. Though it is enclosed by the theme of love and restricted to a strict poetic form, within these limits Conforti's poetry spreads a rich tapestry of images and a musical array of rhythms and melodies. Tanka is new to the west. Among the various genres related to haiku that have been adapted from the Japanese language into English, such as senryu, haibun, and renga, tanka has up until very recently been the least amenable to adaptation. Though some of the Imagists were influenced by tanka early in the century, as were some of the poets of the San Francisco Renaissance in the '50s_such as Kenneth Rexroth_there had been only a few isolated attempts to bring the form itself into English until the recent tanka explosion of the last few years, which though centered on the west coast has spread across the country. This proliferation, growing out of the haiku community and its publications, has been spearheaded by Jane Reichhold's annual contest for tanka and the books and magazines devoted to the genre that she has edited and published_plus her own work of composing tanka and writing tanka criticism. Since it has received enthusiastic encouragement from Reichhold for a number of years, Conforti's work constitutes one of the blossoms resulting from this flowering of the tanka. The translations from Japanese and the original works of tanka printed in haiku magazines that provided the seeds for this recent profusion of the form will no doubt be documented in some future history of the genre. The earliest successful English-language tanka that I am aware of are those of Michael McClintock and Sanford Goldstein both of whom were writing them in the '70s.
TANKA AND LOVE Though these two poets write their tanka in five lines they do not use a set syllable count. And both have chosen to write in the modern style of Ishikawa Takuboku (1886-1912). Writing in an ironic, wry tone, with an almost Kafkaesque-like examination of the self, rather than in the classic Japanese lyric style which deals with romantic love. Before and after Takuboku tanka have usually celebrated the joys or lamented the griefs of such love. The genre is one of the earliest forms of poetry in Japanese. Tanka appear in Japan's first literary collection, the Manyo-shu of the 8th century A.D., and there, too, have to do mostly with love affairs. This lyric form seems to naturally lend itself to subjective feelings-love and longings of the hear - in contrast to the more objective focus of the haiku, which relates us to nature and the ordinary things of the everyday world. Yet when Americans have tried to emulate their Japanese counterparts by writing tanka to communicate their romantic feelings, the result has often been an embarrassing gush of sentimental language. Written with trite and clichéd phrases, many of them sound insincere and contrived. And they have lacked a musical sense of rhythm. Gerard Conforti, on the other hand, is a poet for whom the form seems made to order for writing about love. And though he uses it in a traditional way as far as form and subject matter are concerned, he has brought a fresh and original approach to it. Conforti, who is also an excellent haiku poet, has been able to adapt the tanka in such a way as to transform his feelings of love into poems of simple beauty. A beauty of both language and image. In language, because he is able to speak so easily in syllabic form. Many American poets have opted to write tanka in a loose, free form, retaining only the five part arrangement from the Japanese - writing them in five lines without any set syllable count. Conforti has found that using 5 and 7 syllable lines with the 5 lines falling into the pattern of 5-7-5-7-7, as in the Japanese, he can express his feelings in a musically effective way. Though certainly not the first to use this strict form in English, he has demonstrated a facility with it rarely seen before. We have to go back to the Elizabethan sonnet to match the stately and formal measures that this poet often achieves in poems less than half as long. An unobtrusive, natural sounding iambic beat underlies most of these poems, with enough variation to give each tanka its own distinctive rhythmic and melodic imprint. He breaks the rhythm in startling, yet musical ways, reminding me of how Thelonious Monk would play "between" the keys. Though they can call to mind the elevated speech of the Elizabethans, at the same time they are as modern in sound and image as the poems of Georg Trakl or Charles Simic. There is much to admire about the imagery of Gerard John Conforti's tanka. His poems capture in a fresh way the mysterious power of such primal images as the moon, shadows, mist, and falling leaves. They become so vivid the shadows of the leaves seem to blow across the page as we read. The poet evokes the shadowy landscapes of both the mind and the earth itself to give the reader a sense of the strangeness and mystery that lie beyond the gates of birth and death. And he movingly expresses a belief in the power of love to overcome the suffering that life entails. Conforti, like the Scots poet Robert Burns, has written fervent love songs to several sweethearts. They make up most of the tanka in this volume. Others are written to friends and the memory of his brother. The poet dedicates almost all his tanka: " The reason I make so many dedications is because my poetry, as well as my friendship, is all I have to give which is special to me. . . . since I don't have money to give, I can give my poems which are more valuable to me than any material thing. Poetry makes me happy and I'm happier when I can give them out to people who are special to me and who have encouraged me to keep writing."
READING THE TANKA Often there is a best way to read the lines for the most pleasant music and meaning. For example in the following poem, I find it best to read it with a pause after the second line and then to read the following three lines as a new sentence: Not even in love The next poem provides an obvious example of the iambic beat which underlies the rhythm of many of Conforti's poems. But where would you break this tanka? The rippling
raindrops This might be read with a pause after the the second or third line. With the pause after the 2nd, the cloud is encircling the stars and it is the stars that are dreaming. If you wait to pause after the third line, it will be the raindrops that encircle the stars, by spreading ripples around their reflections, and it will be the cloud that is dreaming. Of course, this last way is the way to read the poem. Finally, here is a tanka that does not break into two parts, though there should be a slight pause after the fourth line: If you were here nowthe joy in my beating heart would blaze like the sun rising in the morning sky lifting the buds of flowers Read these poems aloud and hear the music. - Cor van den Heuvel Editor, The Haiku Anthology
Other On-line Books by Gerard J. Conforti For My Brother Victor & Elsa His Wife An Introduction to Gerard John Conforti Through His
Letters The first letter I have from Gerard John Conforti is dated May 9, 1993. "I learned from Cor van den Heuvel that you publish tanka. He mentioned to me the tanka you publish are good. Enclosed is a sample of tanka I have written..." It was a surprise to me that Gerard wrote tanka because until this letter I had only read his haiku which had been published in Cicada and Modern Haiku. Tanka had been included in my magazine, Mirrors, since 1989 when I began the first of the International Tanka Splendor Awards series. Yet here comes his letter at the same time as another development. The former editor of Lynx asked me to adopt the faltering magazine — a tabloid of renga and haiku. In making the changes in methods and format, I also decided to shift the emphasis to make it a journal for tanka writers. The first issue, out in June, 1993, contained mostly material which had been accepted and gathered, but I added a brief section on the tanka contest and a selection of winning poems. At this time I already had Conforti's submission, but to tell the truth, I found his tanka to be so different from what the majority of writers were doing with this form, that I hesitated to bring these poems out as "examples" of what I expected tanka to be. However, after getting over "new editor jitters" and becoming more familiar with Conforti's work, by the second issue I was pleased to include his work. The next letter which I have from Gerard, dated only as October, but still in the envelope postmarked October, 6, 1993, indicates that we were already deep into a dialog in letters which are now missing. Along with his thanks for the October issue of Lynx, Gerard writes: "I appreciate the comment that my tanka weren't written out of insanity. You are right. I have never been insane. When I wrote that I was thinking of the German poet, Georg Trakl (1887-1914), who committed suicide during the war on the Galician front. I believe I follow in his poetic footprints, but I would never try suicide again as I have done in the past. Georg Trakl is my favorite poet..." This letter, as were all subsequent letters, was hand printed with ball-point pen, in all capital letters. The letters are angular and well-formed. In the beginning the poems were typed by machine, but later the poems too, were handwritten. Even when using unlined paper, often colored pink, blue or yellow, the lines were as straight as when he wrote on tablet paper or notebook sheets. Rarely did he cross out a word or insert a word or letter which had been forgotten. Though there were times when he was very ill, and his writing became shaky and showed connective drift lines where his hand was too tired to lift the pen from the paper, his writing was still very legible. Almost every dispatch he sent is faithfully dated. By this time, I was aware of his situation (without a home other than the mental health facility) and I began to carefully collect his letters as well as the poems which I had been saving for him. He explained his situation in a November, 1993, letter: "As far as Chait House is concerned, I've been living here for over a year. Chait House is a half-way house on the grounds of Bayley-Seton Hospital. Before a year and a half ago, I was living on my own. I don't (underlined) like living here and wish I were on my own again and I will be on my own again in the future. The reasons why I'm living at Chait House are many. It's a very secure place to live and the staff members are good to me. I need the security right now because of all the difficulty I'm in on Staten Island and elsewhere. I don't even know how to begin to tell you of the difficulty I'm in. It's a very complicated situation I'm in and one day I'll share the story with you, but right now I don't even want to think about it. It would take a two thousand page book to describe what I've gone through and now that things are better I'm trying to forget the pain of my ordeal." In the November 12th letter Gerard wrote: "I want you to know, Jane, that if it weren't for you and your interest in my writing, that I wouldn't have written so many tanka. I write tanka almost every day now and will continue to do so. I dedicate many poems to people I know as close friends, and besides my love for them, I'm able to give them something that is very precious to me and that is my writing." Early in our correspondence Gerard wrote to me that he had "lived six years with Ellen Rothberg" to explain the many poems dedicated to her. He also stated that "Joan Summer is nurse here who has been very kind to me." Even in the first packet of poems were those dedicated to Juliana and in his first October letter he wrote: "I think Juliana took a toll on me. I thought of her so much in the hospital, hoping she was all right, that I didn't get a chance to think too much about myself." In the very next month Gerard writes: "The J. A. poems I've sent to you have to do with Juliana. I'm very in love with her and she makes me very happy. I knew her for [...] years before we got involved emotionally and she understands me very well, which I'm happy about." Both Juliana and Ellen were patients in the hospital and its programs. He often reported on their ups and downs and difficulties, showing a deep and abiding concern for them as persons. It was Juliana, however, whom he wished to someday marry. On January 2, 1994 Gerard wrote: "Next week I'm going for an interview for the apartment program here on Staten Island. I want to get out of Chait House, soon. I want to be more on my own... I may even start soon to look for a job. I know jobs are hard to come by, but I'm going to try and find one, anyway. I know that writing is my job, but I also know that I need money to survive on. I haven't made much money on my writing, but writing is in my blood. I need to write and write as much as I can."
In a letter from December 18th, Gerard wrote: "I'm sorry I hadn't written to you sooner, but I'm trying to quit smoking because of my health and haven't written any tanka in the last nine days since I am so used to smoking while I write." The letter closes with, "I must (underlined three times) quit. I want to be well known as a poet alive and not after I die. Enclosed are more tanka." On Christmas Eve Gerard wrote: "Yesterday, a very close friend of mine died in his sleep. He was an older man in his sixties. I knew him from the Hylan Manor, an adult home here on Staten Island. Because of his death and the holidays, I almost wound up in the hospital psych unit." Many of the letters during the winter expressed Gerard's fear that he would lose even the relative freedom of Chait House to be readmitted to the hospital. The battle to give up cigarettes continued. In March, 1994 he wrote: "I'm going to begin the nicoderm patches this week to try to stop smoking again. My good friend, Ed Crowley, paid for them and a month's supply of the patches cost him $105.00. They're rather expensive, but I didn't have the money so Ed helped me out. I've been his friend since 1973 and he's been a great help to me over the years." In the new year, Gerard returned to working on his plays. January 16th letter: "I've been busy writing plays and tanka. Enclosed with my letter are more tanka and 1 play, "The Shadow" [which] I wrote in January of 1991. It was supposed to have a reading in the Blue Winds Theatre in 1993, but I never heard from them again and I think the theatre folded." In later packets, Gerard sent "Hell's Room" and "A Song of Love", and "The Meeting". It is interesting to note that most of his plays revolve around two persons, usually young males, attempting to find a living solution which permits each of them the freedom and the security they want. The plays (aside from "A Song of Love") are dark and full of hostility and anger with occasional bursts of violence. In contrast, Conforti's tanka relate only to a natural world in harmony with himself or his loved one. Once a poem had the word "breast" in it. Later he wrote asking me not to publish the poem as he found it too sensual, as did the woman to whom it was dedicated. In February he explained: "I've been writing drama, but there is a great part of me that edges me on to write more poetry, which I plan to write soon. I want to say that I wrote over eighty tanka in a short period of time and that is why I was overwhelmed by them and that is why I needed a break, which is nearing its end. It will be good for me to begin writing poetry again. I look forward to it. I still read your letters and have not and never will give up writing poetry. I just needed a little time concentrating on drama, which I have done the past two weeks. I have not heard from you and I hope you haven't given up on me. I need your friendship and I'm always glad to get a letter from you." Later that month, he sent more tanka with the words: "Enclosed are some tanka I've written yesterday... I couldn't stay away from writing them. As for happiness, life isn't bleak all the time and I have been happy. I found writing poetry brings not only an outlet, but some joy to me. I'm very fortunate to have become a writer whether it be in poetry or drama or prose. I relieve some of my suffering by writing..." Yet on his birthday, February 26th, he sent a new play, "In Fear of Dying" which he says, "speaks for itself." The rest of the letter concerned his fears of having to be recommitted to the hospital. Then in the middle of March, Gerard wrote: "I'm no longer involved with Juliana in a full relationship. We are still close, but we are drawing apart from one another." Within a paragraph he continues, "and that I'm going to do my best from now to look on the positive things in life." By the end of the month he was writing: "I wish I could be more than friends with Juliana. I miss her so much. Please keep writing to me. I look forward to your letters. I will be sending you more tanka soon." The letter of April 9th begins: "I'm beginning to lose my grip on reality." There was a short, painful paragraph of delusion which was so rare in Gerard's letters that I began to share his fear that he would be going into the hospital. Even so, he closed the letter with "I appreciate your deep concern for me and I think that things will get better for me. I have to go on suffering, but I will continue to write." It was a relief, then to read "After a tough weekend of emotional turmoil, I'm feeling better today. I have been able to stay out of the hospital and I'm proud of this." It was unusual for him to write of his surroundings, but on this day he wrote: "Today is a bright sunny day and the leaves are coming out of the trees outside my window. My window faces the east and every morning I watch the sun climb into the sky... I'm glad I have the view of the trees. On the west side of Chait House there are no trees." In May Gerard began working as a volunteer for two hours a week at the Bayley-Seton Hospital and by the end of the month wrote: "I'm now working [...] in medical records two days a week and spend three days a week at Seaview Hospital. I'm managing to stay out of the hospital and I'm doing well. I have my tough moments, but I deal with them." In the summer we had exchanged several letters concerning writing. On July 15th Gerard wrote: "I want to state that my writing is both a curse and a blessing. It's a blessing because I can write, but the curse involves a lot of suffering and misery. I've learned that if a person is happy with him or herself, that's what really counts. I'm a writer, but most of the time I am unhappy and I've wished over and over again that I did not have this gift of writing. The curse is also that I cannot (underlined) cease to write because it is in my blood and writing is the only thing left for me and I refuse to give it up. However, it is better sometimes to have a profession other than writing alone which I am aiming at by working at Bayley-Seton Hospital. Writing can also be a very lonely task. It drains my emotions till I can't go any further. I need (underlined) sometimes long breaks to get myself back together again. The secret of writing is loving it. Even if I never wrote well, I would not give up on it. I would be happy writing bad writing as long as I was happy doing so... My intention from the beginning, when I first began writing, was not to be a great poet, just a poet; but my love for poetry drove me to where I am today." The next month Gerard's letters were filled with his problems with the staff, their desire to keep him and Juliana apart, and switches in his medication. The reality of how tenuous his existence was came when I read the lines: "I have your address in my wallet. If I decide to go into the hospital, I'll write to you from there." In September Gerard wrote: "I've been put on Risperadone and at the moment I'm not doing well on it. My anxiety is high, I'm having bad nightmares and I see a different reality altogether. Juliana has been a great help in explaining some of the things one goes through when changing a medication. It was a big mistake for me to go off Loxitane which has helped me greatly. I do not know if I will ever come out of my ordeal. I may wind up in South Beach Psych for a long time and this alone is causing my heart to beat rapidly." The letter continues repeated permissions for his poems to be printed, phone numbers for his family, pleas for a letter and affirmations of his affection. On the 23rd of the month he began his letter: "I am writing this letter at 3 am in the morning. I'm awake and I don't think I will go back to sleep. What a joy to be alive! Yet, if anyone is lonely this morning, I am in this room." "I want to thank you for your last letter. I guess I could be annoying at times when I write to you. My problem is [I] crave love too much and this causes me to reach out for you and other people. I guess I'm afraid of losing you or Juliana or my friends. Does this fear of losing someone go all the way back to childhood? Even then I was lonely and the only thing which comforted me at the time was nature. I've always craved love even as a child. Everyone needs people. People are more comforting then [than] the loneliness of nature. I would never want to be the only one living on earth. This would be too unbearable. I guess loneliness is a part of life and eternal love comes afterwards. I ['d] rather fulfill my mission on earth first. I'm in no hurry to get elsewhere. The struggles in life can be a joy. Life is tough, but it was (underlined) tougher for me only three weeks ago. I'm doing much better now." The unusual errors in the letter are signs of how the drug was affecting him, and yet the thinking processes were still his. Enclosed with the letter were the two poems for Juliana, "Oh, My Love for You" and "The Golden Sunlight". The next letter, dated only as September, 1994, but on another deeper color of yellow finally contains the good news. "The new medication Risperadone is working! For once in my life I am sane! All my paranoia is gone! I see life differently! Nature is once again so beautiful! I will never again (I hope!) suffer like I did for all the years of insanity. I realize now, (and how clear I see it) that my tanka was written out of insanity, yet what I wrote came truly from the heart. For now I'm not going to write poetry so as not to disturb my equilibrium. I will, and I promise you, Jane, that I will write again." In the postscript to this letter, Gerard adds: "Ellen goes to Seaview now. I have much compassion for her." As soon as his psychological condition improved, Gerard was again faced by an (evidently) ongoing lung condition exasperated by his resumption of smoking. After many tests and words in his letters regarding them and his fears, the next letter came from St. Vincent's Hospital where he was in an isolation room. He mentions visits from his brother, Victor, and from Ed Crowley and wishes that Juliana would come also, but that he had not told her where he was because of her own problems at the time. The next letter, also from the hospital, relates a conversation with Cor and Gerard's pleasure "it was so good to speak to him. Ellen phoned him and told him I was in the hospital." The next letter is dated November 14th and begins with: "For the last three days I have been staying with Ellen... She is the most loving, and caring person I've ever known. She wants me to quit smoking. Do I really deserve her as a friend?" Gerard then copied a poem Ellen had written and enclosed it. Thanksgiving was spent with Gerard's brother Victor, his wife, Elsa and her sister, Betty. He mentions that Juliana is now in the hospital because she was not taking her medication. Most of the letter discusses his reading of England's restoration period. After listing reasons he would liked to have lived in those times, he writes: " Unfortunately, the women at that time, before and even now don't have equal rights, but I know one day they will." Christmas, he writes, was to be spent with Ellen at her place. He was looking forward to being out of Chait House where he stated he would miss his friends but not the staff. At Ellen's he wrote several more poems for her and taught her to write tanka which he also sent. In this quiet he writes: "I've been looking over all the tanka I've written. I'm thinking about taking a different approach in writing them. The love-poem tanka of mine have been exhausted." Yet he sends two poems for Cor, ("On This Lovely Day" and "There is the Spirit"), one for Juliana and another titled, "America" which he calls "one for myself." In January, still at Ellen's, Gerard wrote that Ed Crowley was coming to take him to breakfast. He was trying to locate some of his old works and was disappointed to learn that Ed did not have them. However, Ed did have poems and letters from 1982 which Gerard was very glad to have. Seeing these old works caused Gerard to write again in rhyme and he sent several poems in this mode. In April, 1995, Gerard wrote: "I've met another woman at Seaview two months ago. Her name is Sarah Brenner. What a beauty! No, I'm not getting my hopes up. What is now may not be later. Enclosed are some tanka for her. I may be writing sad ones in the future for her, but if this relationship don't [sic] work out — well, I can't say that it won't." The next paragraph continues: "I'm thinking about writing tanka five liners with less than 31 syllables. What do you think? Would like your opinion on this... I have mixed feelings about it, but I may try it anyway. I may like it better. I really do not know." June 27, 1995: "Today I am leaving Chait House. I'm going to an apartment on [...]. I will be at this apartment for a few weeks, then I'll be moving again to a much better area. After being at Chait for three years I'm going to be on my own again. Although I never liked being at Chait House, the stay here did me a lot of good." It was not easy for Gerard to resolve the changes in the situation with the staff in the mental health facilities with his new freedom. "I do not know what is going to happen from here on in. It is 2:35 am in the morning as I write this letter. I could not sleep all night. Am I scared? No! Am I nervous? So, so. Am I paranoid? Definitely not! Am I delusional? Hell No!" After writing of his difficulties, Gerard signed off his letter with: "P.S. Please don't be afraid for me. I'm a survivor." In October Gerard reported: "Next week I am moving to [...], three blocks away from where Sarah lives and two blocks away from Snug Harbor where I wrote my first tanka for Ellen in 1986. Snug Harbor is no longer an Old Sailor's Home but is now a cultural center for visitors. I go to the harbor now and then to relax and gather all the natural beauty there. It is a good feeling. My job is going well. I work about ten hours a week." In the new apartment Gerard has a roommate, Bob, of whom he writes: 'He is quite a good person. Despite the incident (and it still bothers me) we get along very well. We are kind to one another and I've been trying to make up for what happened between us." Since January most of Gerard's correspondence has been concerning this book. He usually mentions Sarah; very often his compassion for her and her sufferings. "I don't want her to suffer and yet there is not much I can do for her, but be her friend and care for her deeply which I earnestly do." On March 8th Gerard begins: "I have taken some time off from doing any writing. I took a seven week break and that is the longest I've ever taken from writing. I've been caught between heaven and earth and time seemed to have flown by quickly." It was Gerard's idea that instead of my writing a preface to this book, as planned, that I edit his letters for the readers. This I have done with pleasure, some tears, and much admiration. Blessed Be!
In the hospital
Lying here alone in the isolation room of the hospital the hallways ring with laughter on the first night of autumn
On the seventh day I have come to know the room of isolation so far and distant from friends even in dreams I'm alone
O' beauteous sun when you come over the hill the shadowy tree in the solitary fields reaches for the light of day
O' suffering days the turmoil of emotions swirl like the tree leaves in the dry winds of autumn gusting down the empty streets
Writing at the desk the winds blow into the trees outside the window the dead leaves gather my thoughts scattering them in my mind
As you lie asleep the moonlight in the window shines down on the floor in the silence of the night I reach to kiss your forehead
Today the windows of the mental hospital over-look the trees sunken in the summer heat reaching down for their shadows
When love drains power from the stem of a flower the spirit falters then slowly withers and dies a death that floods the cool earth
In rooms of sickness where the living are dying the loneliness bears blossoms falling from tree boughs outside beneath the pale moon
The struggle of life leads along day's open road lined with shady trees that head for the distant sky filled with a twilight of stars
Life's tribulations come in the darkness of night like a distant road leading from the kitchen door into the unknown silence
On this autumn day sitting alone on the steps outside the dark house only the sound of tree leaves falling against the brick walls
Looking for comfort I sought the morning sunlight in the open fields where we once met in spring now a land of falling leaves
From the autumn trees a sparrow sings joyful songs in the windy day memories scatter the leaves over the withering fields
Back in my small room the silence greets me tonight alone behind walls a breeze stirs the autumn trees in whispers of loveless sleep
From a cup of tea the steam rises to my face wet with life's sorrows the winter dissolves in dreams the cold nights in lonely beds
Silent as the day the bells on the door jingle as I enter rooms of grief-stricken memories shadows wait to welcome me
When spring comes again and the warmth of the sunlight bears down on my face as I lie with you embraced will the flowers bloom for us?
Alone in her room I pace the floor of my mind hearing my footsteps sounding through the empty house the winds shudder the windows
Lately I've wondered about the lost days alone in and out of rooms seeking the infinite peace waiting on the distant road
Asleep in my bed the rain beats at the windows to awaken me from the warmth of summer dreams in a storm of loneliness
Tonight the silence beckons my heart toward you in the moonlit room I lie and gaze at the moon so real, so warm, so distant!
Seeing you again aching feelings gnaw my heart with melancholy bringing back those memories too painful even for tears
From the porcelain petals fall from the daisies on the piano as you play Beethoven's Ninth in the cold desperate night
This cold winter night the snow clings to the tree boughs in the pale moonlight the kisses of your soft lips warm this aching heart of mine
In every tree leaf fallen from the autumn boughs the wind blows away the long lost forgotten days of winter's burying snow
Endlessly the winds shudder the bedroom windows this cold wintry night the glowing candle flickers while you sleep in my embrace
The coming new year brings with it the falling snow meeting its shadows upon the vast frozen fields where once we strolled together
Longing for your love has left the white buds of spring scattered on the grass in the light cool breeze of day the buds continue to fall
Let us remember the blissful warmth of summer when the shady trees stood along the wooded path where violets bloomed for us
Now that the night ends the sparrows begin to sing in the early dawn the long suffering day brings a loneliness to my heart
When the night sets in and the moon climbing the sky shines in the windows of the silent rooming house the sleepless know loneliness
Seeing you again as we walk the distant fields brings back memories of days lost in fallen leaves buried in the melting snow
This cold wintry night the rain falls against street lamps upon the wet streets reflecting the pool of light the dark ripples of my heart
Not even in love does the rose live forever on the thorny hedge the early falling snowflakes melt on the withering buds
Like the winter's cold the pale frosty moon rises in the purple sky between the icy tree boughs the hungry sparrows have flown
Long after the night ends with sleepy dreams of you caressed in my arms the weary hours of day tear the autumn leaves from trees
Like darkening night the murderer heads homeward lights the candle wick the flame from the glass candle dancing shadows on the wall
Outside the windows the autumn tree on the lawn near the private house reflects the yellow sunlight glowing in the attic room
This long winter night the tree boughs sway in the moon outside the small room the cold comes through the windows chilling his thin white fingers
The ebony clock sounding in the winter night on the white bureau belonged to the dead old man now in a glass-like coffin
As the candle burns the moon rises in the sky embracing the stars in the windows of my dreams the winds sway the snowy trees
Will it ever end the incessant winds of rain washing through the trees of my imagination lost to the bleakness of day?
The moonlit shadows play upon my inward mind like the gentle tides combing back the coral sea swaying in the deep of night
Today the snow falls upon the path in the woods leading up a hill between the bareness of trees sparrows fly from bough to bough
The rippling raindrops fall upon the light of lakes encircling the stars dreaming in the midnight skies a wandering lonely cloud
Oh, my love Ellen the clouds are a mist of rain flowing from your eyes the sun a dream of flowers pelted by raindrops of light
If you only knew the remorse of autumn days in dark empty rooms where the walls of memories hide me from your warm embrace
Alone in the woods the song of a sparrow fades into a sigh of stars in the sweep of autumn winds tree leaves flutter to the earth
The hope you give me is a blaze of warming sun melting the tree boughs into a spring of blossoms after the falling snowflakes
It's been a long day the sparrows no longer sing as the evening sun sets below the wind-blown hills where we sleep into the night
My love is deeper than the touch of warm moonlight on a summer night where the embrace of your arms enwraps the joy of our love
The life of your love has brought a bliss of sunlight to my lonely heart when I'm alone in a room waiting for the sun to rise
Tonight I ponder the stars outside the windows of the rooming house where the silence of moonlight dreams to be in your embrace
I will not forget the hope you brought to my heart even in winter when the land is desolate there is the warmth of sunlight
Loving you tonight has brought me ever closer to loving you more than the sprouting rose in spring blooming in the misty rain
Love, how can it be that the blowing winter snow falling from dark clouds separates the two of us from the warmth of our embrace
Oh, suffering night the grass is a dew of tears in the mist of rain the moon is a grief of pain shining in and out of clouds
Without you near me the suffering days go on in mournful silence the flowers bow in the rain pelting the buds in moonlight
As you lay dying loving brother of the wind in the early spring the dew of morning flowers flowed down from the mist of night
When the falling rain patters the meadows with life the struggling flowers lift their buds above the earth and open in the spring winds
When the sky is clear the shooting streams of sunlight between drifting clouds warms the meadows of green earth in the heart of the valleys
When the night has come and meadows lie in silence the pale rising moon shining above the mountains the rivers glitter with light
How I miss you so when I'm in a room alone there is no sunlight but the rain against the glass drumming me off into sleep
On this dreaming night I startle awake from sleep in the gloomy room mixing with the dark moonlight the emptiness of your voice
On this rainy day I do not know how to explain the absence of you alone in another room the buds falling from flowers
If you were here now the joy in my beating heart would blaze like the sun rising in the morning sky lifting the buds of flowers
The warmth of the sun beats in the expanse of sky like my joyful heart in the green meadows of dreams where we lie upon the grass
The voice of your song sings in the winds of robins in the shady trees the leaves shimmer in the sun on this early spring morning
The rising spring sun showers the tree boughs with life the budding flowers open to the streaming light the petals filled with raindrops
The summer sunlight streams above the grassy hills as the passing clouds drift over the green meadows the storm in the west pours rain
In the autumn day the leaves swirl above the lawns into the swift winds the leaves blow into the trees settling upon the cool earth
In the winter sun icicles hang from the trees dripping from the boughs in a gust of frozen winds the ice shatters to the earth
Today I want to escape this cold lonely room and stroll beneath trees in the embrace of nature the boughs reaching down for me
How much can I bear alone in the blowing winds beneath the maples which have shed their leaves of tears in the naked gray of day?
When I think of you the pain edges at my heart only to embrace your loving arms around me and never let go of you
Only in your arms can I find the peace of stars outside the windows on this moonlit autumn night the road leading to your heart
How lonely tonight in the middle of winter the dark icy trees sparkle in the pale moonlight as I gaze out the window
I know how lonesome the darkening night must be on this autumn day the songless birds in the trees bring a silence to my heart
On Thanksgiving day the pale full moon in the sky outside the window lingers over the bare trees in the silence of twilight
How I feel for you the flowing river of love sparkling in the sun in the light of your embrace the young buds sprouting tree leaves
The long lonesome road brings back memories of you from a distant path I yearn to stroll to your room and lie in bed by your side
Every passing day the joy of being with you fills the flower buds with the drops of golden rain falling in the spring sunlight
The joy of today deep in the buds of flowers in the clouds of rain passing over the meadows the streams of shifting sunlight
The sorrow of the day hung in the absence of you in the autumn winds the swaying weeping willows touch the placid starlit pond
The hope of the day lies in the heart of your love growing like flowers in a garden of roses still blooming in the winter
Now that the day ends and the snow begins to fall on the silent earth in the dark the footprints lead into the cold winter night
In the windless day the tree stands against the sky the naked tree boughs reach into the void of blue the bare twigs twisted like nerves
The unending days of coming winter's fury the unsettling winds bind the bare tree boughs with ice till the melting of spring rain
Through adversity your love keeps hope in my heart keeps my joy alive despite the harsh suffering I face each and every day
Love, do not be sad for the sadness turns to joy when we are alone sharing the bitter winter the candle in the window
This I beg of you to comfort me in the days of unending strife when hope is gone from my heart and the world is desolate
How often is it that I suffer without you embraced in my arms the nights alone in a room where emptiness surrounds me
Somewhere in the night a star trails across the sky above the dark sea the moonlight plays with the tides in a mirror of shadows
As the music plays softly into the dark night the moon is aglow with its radiance of light showering on the flowers
How can I explain the love you shower on me bringing me a joy which rides the eternal tides beneath the light of the moon
Oh, suffering day hung in the evening of night amid the blue stars the sadness rolls like the tides sweeping in upon the shore
The night seeks comfort in this lonely room of mine the clock ticks away the seconds, minutes and hours of this self-consuming grief
How sad this evening hung in the absence of you in a room alone the walls hide me from the world this long cold December night
How can I not write the poems of my love for you in times of distress your love keeps flowing the words from the bottom of my heart
The stillness of trees brings the silence of the day to my beating heart as I gaze out the window into the muteness of life
The cold blowing snow swirls in the blustering winds across the white lawns glistening in the sunlight setting in the western sky
The cold dreaming night scatters the stars in the sky above the dark house the moon is a grief of light shadowing down through the trees
The warm summer days spent with you beneath the trees in cool shades of leaves have wakened the dreams of love in the green grass of flowers
Though the nights are long my memories lie with you awake or asleep the moon shines into the room as the stars watch over me
The night is so long the songs of birds are silent on this winter night the wrath of the blowing snow swirls upon the frozen earth
The loneliest day brings a sorrow to my heart on the distant road my love is waiting for me to embrace her in my arms
The beautiful day unfolds in the heart of you Oh, true violet blooming alone in the woods fills the night with loneliness
The warm blissful day dreams in the flower of you the beauty of spring awakens me to your love the sunlight beaming downward
Love, the days go by filled with the absence of you within a small room the night is filled with moonlight shining upon the green grass
The grievous nights come like falling stars to the sea the sorrowful moon gazes upon the stranger forlorn in the mist of tears
Your love is endless like the flowers blossoming outside your windows the raindrops pelting the buds in a shower of sunlight
The sleepless moonlight shining through the glass windows watches over you as you dream the night away the moonlight upon your face
The day you left me My heart sunk into despair on this autumn night the stars are a blur of tears burning through the universe
The day is a dream of flowers in the meadows beside the river the trees are hung in silence dripping dew from the green leaves
The cool mountain winds sweep down the autumn valleys fluttering tree leaves upon the streaming rivers flowing toward the sunset
The frozen tree boughs reflect the cold winter stars outside the houses of the quiet neighborhood the full moon sleeps in the sky
As day lights the sky the river flows with sunlight in the shady trees a robin sings of the spring and the sprouting of green leaves
Night encircles night like the ocean to the shore or the stars to earth like a raindrop on a pear or moonlight on an orange
The dying of day sinks with the sorrow of you now that the sun sets the pale daisies are weeping in the middle of the night
Oh, loving brother the song of love forever sings in the warm spring the notes of the lost sparrow still searching to find its nest
Night, and the bright stars shimmer in a sky of tears Oh, lonely brother your loneliness grips my heart knowing what loneliness is
In the rooming house during the long winter nights what were you thinking knowing you were going to die and never letting me know?
The streets are lonely when you are sick and lonesome never knowing when the time for the end has come the night gently taking you
Brother, all your life and the life that was in you died into the night leaving you to walk with Him among the flowers of God
TANKA FOR SARAH BRENNER Beneath the spring sky the blossoms fall from the trees in the placid pond the stars shimmer in the night as blossoms flutter to the moon
The sadness of night hung with the grief of the years comes with nightly stars above the long lonesome road the void of the autumn skies
The night holds no joy alone in a rooming house confined to four walls the moonlight plays with shadows outside in the cold bare trees
Love, why do you weep in the dark corners of night when the rising sun will blaze with a joy unknown in the flower of your heart
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Again a very special thank-you
to Cor van den Heuvel at Chant Press for his help in publishing the book.
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Now that the Night
Ends Copyright © Gerard John Conforti 1996.
Published by Chant Press and AHA Books. Online Version Copyright © AHA Books 2003. Read another of AHA Books Online. |
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