LYNX A Journal for Linking Poets TABLE OF CONTENTS XX:3 October, 2005 |
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Kelly Ann Malone Michael Williams Denis M. Garrison Deborah P. Kolodji Edward Baranosky
Gene Doty Laryalee Frazer Werner Reichhold Geert Verbeke Ray Rasmussen
LETTERS I have been writing since I was around twelve years old. Some of my poetic influences are Ogden Nash, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Teasdale, Dickinson, Billy Collins and Dorothy Parker to name a few. Some of my published credits include "The Library of Congress 9/11 Documentary Project", North Carolina University's Presses "Free-Verse Magazine, " Poems Niederngasse, Albany University's "Offcourse Literary Journal", Temple University's "Schuylkill Creative and Critical Review", Duke University's "Voices" Journal, San Gabriel Valley Poetry Quarterly, Muse Apprentice Guild Literary Magazine, York University's School of Women's Studies Journal, "The Permanente Journal of the Arts and Medicine", "Ars Medica, A Journal of Medicine, The Arts, and Humanities-Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto Canada" and The Pittsburgh Quarterly. Kelly Ann Malone My name is Michael Williams, and I recently began writing what is -
as far as I know - a new form. It is composed of two tanka side-by-side, with
the idea that the work can be read as a unified whole, or as two individual
tanka. I have written four of those since the end of June, and enjoy the
process as well as the result. On the Short Form Poetry forum of The Critical
Poet, I've been referring to these as SuperTanka (a pun on supertanker). Jane
wondered what the result would be if two people wrote a SuperTanka - an oil
spill? I answered that if two SuperTanka collided, the result might be a word
spill, or a TrebleTanka - and I offered the following as an example:
"LIGHTHOUSE GUARDIAN COMPANION" in Solo Poetry. Enclosed in a submission for Lynx is a collaborative sequence, the first such sequence of cinqku. Cinqku is a cinquain form of haiku, one that is a closer analogue to haiku than is the American Cinquain (Crapseian) and that maximizes the utility of the line break technique. A cinqku is a cinquain-formatted haiku with a strict syllable count (2,3,4,6,2) making 17 syllables on 5 lines. Single cinqku generally are not titled, and have haiku style free diction and syntax, no metrical requirement, and a turn that may be similar to kireji or a cinquain turn. Since I began writing cinqku (my own design) last month, poets on several lists have begun writing them (one has been written in Romanian). Broken Hearts is a linked sequence (L5-L1 links) written during May-June 2005 on an elist, "HaikuUnchained," by DMG - Denis M. Garrison; DPK - Deborah P. Kolodji; GDB - Gary Blankenship; MLE - Michael L. Evans; TJL - Toni J. Layton. Haiku Unchained Denis M. Garrison Just a quick note to ask if Lynx would be interested in reviewing, "May-Dazed", a long collaborative cinquain sequence written by fourteen poets in several languages which s published as a book on The sequence was written in May 2005 and consists of 212 cinquains which are linked together by the 5th/1st lines, i.e. the 1st line of cinquain 2 is the same as the 5th line of cinquain 1. The idea was to have a connection, however tentative with the previous cinquain, but to depart from the point of the previous cinquain, freely moving off on a tangent. Deborah P. Kolodji Jen and I have completed the introductions to the Senku, plus three levels of proofing/editing. All we have left to do is an appendix and it's ready. In the meantime Jen's finished her first novel manuscript, and is well into the second. I'm just completing my first "real" collection of poetry. Changed the title for a third time. This one feels right: "Smuggler's Moon." I have a studio now so I've taken on a few "students", apprentices really, of painting. Getting set to start another painting series. Looking for a second-hand drafting table for the watercolours. As usual I support all that by fulltime framing. It's my thirty-first year, since I started in 1975. Before that I painted murals (which is what my brother's second daughter, Stephanie, is doing.). Edward Baranosky The issue of Contemporary Ghazals came today. It's an odd case, it seems to me. I'll look forward to Jane's review in Lynx. I don't know that I want to review it; I may post an announcement about it on The Ghazal Page. I don't think TGP and the mag are in competition, being in very different media and with (apparently) different goals. I've never liked partisanship in poetry, although I know some excellent poets also have very strong opinions and party-spirit. Think of all the manifestos from the early 20th century and what still appears to be arguments between proponents of free verse and advocates of formal verse. From 2005, that seems like an especially silly argument to me, but there's some suggestion of it in Watkins' piece Agha Shahid Ali. It makes it sound like Shahid invented the formalist revival, which is far from the case. Oh well. I don't want to instigate a quarrel with him. Thank you for the magazine. I'm glad to know about it and have an idea of what he's doing with it at this stage. We had two tornadoes spotted this evening coming towards Rolla but they didn't touch down. There's a thunderstorm on its way now. We have uninterruptible power supplies on our computers, fortunately, so we're not bothered by a power outage unless it's extended. The power blipped on and off earlier while I was online. It's noticeable but doesn't cause a problem. I want to express again my gratitude and appreciation for what you and Jane have done with Lynx for years now. You're making a genuine contribution. All the best to you, Gene Doty aka Gino Pelegrini
LETTERS WITH LARYALEE Dear Lary, At 02:26 PM 6/9/05 -0700, Laryalee wrote:
--- Werner Reichhold < wrote:
At 07:19 PM 6/6/05 -0700, you wrote: moon by moon
I feel exposed With titles, I would vote for "Exposed" -- it seems to add more depth -- a bit more haunting? So those are my somewhat hesitant thoughts... I think you've influenced me -- I usually work with straight-forward photo haiku, but I began experimenting: I don't think it's very good, but it just evolved! Once again, thank you for sharing your time and expertise with me...and for the books...I appreciate everything very much! warmly, Lary
MY HAIKU MAXIMS ON THE WALL: On must assiduously study the rules of haiku and then swap them for a few marbles. The best things come in small packages: yes for haiku, but no for pubic louses. If a haiku is a temple, do you go inside to burn incense or to count syllables? Haiku should be read in one breath but some people have rather small lungs. Writing haiku is learning how to fly in the landscapes of your mind. A haiku must be a thimble filled to overflow with emotion. Haiku are related to pebbles, not to armchair scholars. Haiku must smell of strawberries and not patronize. 5-7-5 syllables? I try to be a haikuist, not an abacus! A haiku is a miniature jewel case for daydreamers. A haiku is a four-star means against acidification. Lay down rules are lethal poison for your haiku. Haiku without diversity are a petrifying well. Haiku & whales, two mirrors for mankind. Haiku and ignorance are not compatible. Haiku have the colours of butterflies. A haiku is only a useless knickknack. A haiku is a nutshell full of dreams. A haiku is a cherry stone.
The second volume of haibun from the print journal American Haiga and
Haibun is now online at the contemporary haibun online [cho] website:
In addition, contemporary haibun online is accepting submissions for
the third issue. The submission guidelines are here:
Ray Rasmussen, Managing Editor Contemporary Haibun Online, Writers
featured in the AHH archives are:Yu Chang,
refrigerator; Yu Chang, rain; Margaret Chula, At Year's End; Ion Codrescu,
Towards the Mountain Temple; john crook, Hospice; Cherie Hunter Day, The
Cabinetmaker's Wish; John J. Dunphy, Facing the Wall; John J. Dunphy, A
Captured Memorial; Jeanne Emrich, Weaver Bottoms; Judson Evans, Vigil; Liz
fenn, All Systems, Go! Stanford M. Forrester, New Year's Eve; Alice Frampton, Black and White; Alice
Frampton, Cheeky; Gerald George, Arizona; Robert Gibson, Moon Rise; Jesse
Glass, Unsen's Stone gop, The Monk's Bowl; Carolyn Hall, Protective Coloration; Carolyn Hall, A
Crow Not Settled
Elizabeth Hazen, Here's Looking at You; Anne M. Homan, Black and White; Ken
Hurm, Mother's Day; Jim Kacian, Grace; Jim
Kacian, Home; Michael Ketchek, Lunar Eclipse; Jerry Kilbride, Once the
Traveler; Larry Kimmel, The Latch; Kenneth C. Leibman, Okonomiyaki
Kenneth C. Leibman, The Path of Philosophy; Tom Lynch, White Sands Dunes; Kate
MacQueen, The Catbird's Tongue; John Martone, Bién Xú; Brent Partridge, The
Dawn Road; Francine Porad, PS full of energy; William Ramsey, Buying a Soul;
Carolyne Rohrig, Christmas Decor; Carolyne Rohrig, Springtime; Emily Romano,
Enlightened by Light;
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Submission Procedures
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Poems Copyright © by Designated Authors
2005. Page Copyright ©Jane Reichhold 2005. Find out more about Renga, Sijo, Tanka, or Ghazal. Check out the
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