April, 2004
Sarah Barrow
Probably they're feeling lonely, maybe they could feel regret.
On the verge of asking for our help, they haven't done that yet.
I wonder if they've thought of us, the times we used to share,
If they have why don't they realise those people will still care?
Have they ever picked the phone up and been just about to call?
Have they ever thought to visit, if they have what made them stall?
I just don't know what they're thinking, what they feel or what they see,
Have they ever lay there wide awake thinking only about me?
they're digging themselves deeper inot an empty drug filled hole,
Jumping hand and hand with nothing, losing family friends and soul.
That Night
She stands over his grave,
tears rolling down her cheek,
she misses him though she saw
him just the other night,
sitting in his car,
holding his hand,
he promised her the world and
that she would always her girl,
she kissed him goodnight,
so sweet that last kiss,
Why didn't he stop,
he ran that light and died that
he said he loved her and that he
would never hurt her,
so why is she standing over his grave
with tears rolling down her cheeks?
By: Bernadette
For all this time I gave you everything I had, in turn you changed me into the
person I have become, a person I no longer know one who is hollow and broken.
I loved you with all of my soul, I cried for you with all of my tears and you
cut me time and again with all of your cruelty and rage.
Without you now I wonder, did you ever see how I yearned for your attention?
Could you feel my heartbeat quicken from the touch of your hand? I wonder did
you even care at all?
Still time goes on without you and I struggle to find the joyful girl who once
lived inside of me. My heart is so scarred and blackened I wonder will I
ever be able to find her again?
All of this for you, the one who shattered my being and degraded me for so
long. You ignored my cries and belittled my dreams. I guess the
biggest question now is why would I miss your presence in my life like I do?
Two Lonely Souls
Lynette Marie Mckinney
There is a misty haze as the sun rises
Into place above the river
Amber beams stream down to the earth
And slowly the fog vanishes
There's a weathered tree by the waters edge
It's branches bent downward
As if held captive by sadness
The leaves have fallen like tears to the ground
I lean against him to comfort his soul
He is rigid and chilled to the root
My gray and tarnished heart
Knows the same anguish
I glide down his trunk and rest
Against him on his crumbled leaves
And drift to sleep as the daylight fades
Just two lonely souls by the waters edge
Holding on to one another with the anticipation
That tomorrow the river will rise up
And swallow us whole ending the ache within
What is it like to be lost, and not to be found?
What is it like to be sad, and not to be comforted?
Feeling as empty as a hollowed tree,
Uncertain of what may be.
Heart unstill from the trembling silence,
Surrounded by the echoes of doubts.
A blurry sight leads me to nowhere,
I’m burdened with thoughts oh, so unfair!
I’m out of reach, beyond of touch,
So lost without hope,
Where do I go from here?
Silent cries of anguish, no one hears,
But would anyone understand,
Even if they care?
I walk, yet I still fall,
I fight, yet I still lost.
Again and again,
I tried with all might,
Yet I’m still lost, so lost…
Much to share, much to give,
Within a cage of uncertainty.
Blinded with pride, misguided by fear,
Unwilling to choose,
Yet choices seem so bare.
The void and the dark, is all I know,
Both are my companion, and my foes.
I yearn for a light, to brighten my path,
So that I can move forth,
And never be lost.
iyan bastian
past is a mirror
past a wasted moment
i'm arise from buried
soon i spread my agreement
to agree the worst
to agree is choice
but to falling is numerous
i better to hiding my voice
as hide i discover
as hide i'll unlock this
the place turn to a stranger
the stranger that i miss
are you missing yourself
i rather to miss your view
than to cure the little things
the little things that can kill you
i kill you once
i kill your dream
just to prove for you
the earth isn't beauty it seem
There's no one to talk to
There's no one to tell
About the secret that
Could send you to hell
Your dirty little deed
Has come to take heed
As you try to run and hide
Trying to beat the tide
The truth will come out eventually
Then you're gonna wish you had started with honesty
You try to start over truthfully
Only to find you're doing it wrongfully
Lies are still lies
And secrets are still secrets
It doesn't matter what you say
Secrets grow day by day
Your secrets will be told
And the fear will take hold
As you realize I've turned cold
And my love for you is old
Tabatha Sims
steve l
Belial his wings
Dances and sings
Matriarch mortar melds
Past things
Belial his hands
A criminal robber
Singly scratching careful
Deeds and milk dreams
Belial his eyes
Single threads of liquid form
Treading around for-ever-more
Seething light across the dark
His friends meet no-more
Belial his mind
Do not near go things
Dandy things
Teeth clenched upon baby’s
Razor proof feet, heir
Upon air seet upon seat
Feet feet feet feet, feat
Wariness amiss upon the teat
Do not be shriveled, scared
Run run run, these words
Are wind’s form of better
Son, and
His own singular mind awaits
Two dates and two fates
Belial don’t dream
Of ever-place
Scaled angel(wings) torn
Careful now it
Is born
i am a man,
a sorrowful figure,
i am what i am,
i wont pull the trigger,
this is what life is to me,
like a little girl sitting in a tree,
if she falls she's in trouble
her toes might look like barny rubble
doesn't that stink?
By Roomana Haq
Buttercups, Daisies, Roses are what I see
For I am a butterfly who has conceived
A Hawks Heart is where I have been
There I have left my egg hidden from within
My short existence is a cycle of metamorphosis
Each phase in a different form leading different lives
My wings are a sight to behold
My body so creepy not to be told
I am a combination of good and bad
Which like this world is so sad
For all cannot be good
All I strife for is a graveyard dust
Whose color is a melon yellow
And a fragrant so sweet
For my end is that I desire
I await for my death by the unicorn roots
But my soul shall continue on
Copyright (C) 2003 Angel Campbell
Can you tolerate persecution for the choices you have made?
And still hold your head up high and never place a blame?
Can you conceal the mockery that differences will apply?
And become that bigger person that because of pride, we hide?
Can you look beyond the curtains that hold true reflections?
The masks people hide behind because they’ve lost direction
Can your heart still manage through scars that penetrate?
And will that love be as strong as it was yesterday?
Can you trust in promises that only benefit another?
Using charm as a tool to help deceive his brothers
Can you turn the other cheek and pretend it doesn’t hurt?
Fumbling in their ignorance is what they really deserve
Can you open up your mind to a world that’s not the same?
And finally accept the fact that things are going to change?
Can you see the beauty that is hidden in us all?
Or do you view life behind the cracks in the wall?
Can you over-come the battles that have only weighed you down?
Or will you become another victim that doesn’t make a sound?
Can you become the stronger one when life spits in your eye?
Or will you be the weaker on that conforms to the other side?
You sit there just thinking of her
Thinking of her picking her permed short hair
How she looked at you with eyes full of care
Tears form in your eyes making the room blur
You remember her pink lipstick and how
How it would leave marks after you were kissed
and this makes you realize how she'll be missed
And you wonder why this had to happen now
Because there'll never be anything from her said
No words to take away all of you fears
Noone to wipe away all of your tears
There's nothing left for you now
Jessica Wray
Nicole Zuker
The house feels so empty and cold,
Knowing I'll never again have you to hold.
Remembering all of your sweet bliss,
Wishing I could have just one more kiss.
Feeling your presence in the air,
Wondering how God could be so unfair.
Hoping I am able to recoup,
I imagine you eating your 'blue' chicken noodle 'soup'.
Not hearing the soft thud of your footsteps
As you come running up the stairs,
To ask everyone and anyone to 'play game',
Makes me realize my life will never be the same.
Getting in the car to do the simplest of things;
The heartache and pain it sometimes brings;
To remember you wanting to go 'bye-bye in Nikki's car',
After promising Mom and Dad we wouldn't stray to far.
Remembering the late summer nights,
As I watched your eyes fill with delight,
Every time you seen a 'boom-boom' explode in mid-air;
Wondering, why God are we going through this despair.
As I look at the sandbox,
I remember how you liked to throw rocks,
I am also reminded of the taste of dirt,
And it brings on a new kind of hurt.
The swing set remains there still,
Yet the yard looks so empty with no turtle pool to fill.
The sliding glass door is rarely used,
And everyone just seems so unamused.
The lawnmower has lost its shine,
Without you to run behind and whine.
Not having you around anymore,
Makes me wonder, God what am I doing this for?
Not hearing the innocence of your voice;
As you ask for some 'tin-tin',
Or even the sound of your scream,
Makes me wonder why this couldn't be a dream.
Wondering why God would take you away;
How I wish you were here to play.
I'll never forget that day in September,
But sweet memories of you I will always remember.
-Shannon Doherty
As I stand here I watch you fall apart, knowing that I truly broke your heart.
And when everything seems to be so far away, just remember I love you and I
say, I say that I will love you forever... until the end, when everything goes
away. I love you my friend. Maybe now we say we're only friends, but when
three years come around, come around the bend, we'll be closer than we ever
thought we'd be. It'll be just us, just you and me. And when the years pass
and you're still waiting for me, I promise we'll be closer than we ever
thought we'd be. Every day you're always on my mind. Can't someone please,
please hit rewind? I wanna go back to the day that i met you, count to ten,
and fall in love all over again.
Awaited aid from above
May Taha Kosba
Even demons gave up drifting this silly yearning apart
It would rather be stupid to think that we can restart
A story that has turned not to be the way I planned
What can a smothered in love someone do
Especially when fond memories keep me in the row
I'm calling on angels to only carry away
This feeling of a broken heart, soaked in deep yearning
To special someone, may be not listening or no longer living
Sense of guilt has already captured my pride
Sometimes hope plays about my soul
Then realize myself in the end, so left behind
My God! I'm smoldered with passion
Not ashamed to state it because I'm honest
To every single letter I gladly spelt
My God! Guess I need a miracle to
Relieve those ruthlessly dashed dreams
If only my words could reach the highest consent
And have them answered, all questions I hopefully sent
Rotten Roses
By: Theresa Marie Quinn
Valentine's Day 2004
Sadness swept over my soul
As the words he spoke
Came rambling out.
I was strong.
I held my tears.
But a wave of
numbness went throughout my body,
As I felt my
heart drain - that ever dreadful feeling.
feeling was of emotional sorrow and disgust,
It was the same miserable
feeling he instilled in me years ago.
thought to myself as he continued to scrutinize me,
"Here I am on Valentine's Day seven years of old love -
it has rot like an apple to its core,
We are no longer full of lively love,
We're merely hanging on to a rotten core -
Hoping that one day love will live within us."
As I broke down and
tears poured out with a painful cry -
I felt relieved.
I felt justified.
It was that
moment that I realized that giving the ring back,
Was the best thing I ever did for myself.
Years of being talked to like a disgusting insect atop a fabulous meal,
Has taken a part of me away.
I could never say what I thought or wanted,
Because it was always wrong.
There was never a time I could justify my self.
But now I don't need to justify my self to him -
For I'm stronger and more mature now
and I can move on.
Stephanie Kobbe
Dreams come upon the night
revealing the shadows, thoughts...
Caresses within the shade.
Mirrors becoming eclipses
featuring the forgotten tongue.
Show the way into the twilight,
and welcome me into open arms.
Weary dreamer, are you done
holding treachery within?
Though you cry.. is it so silent?
None can capture your tears.
Lifted on high with dreams, hopes, glances...
Falling through shattered glass,
the reflection of one's own loss.
Sifting and winding,
balancing and breaking.
Seeing into the darkness,
and sliding into abyss.
Weary dreamer, are you lonely
without me close by?
Though you whisper.. is it so wrong?
So careful are you not to fall.
Fulfilling the commitment, promise, desire...
Creeping up on tender wings,
cascading to the earth so fast.
Weary dreamer, don't quit dreaming.
It is why I love you so.
BY: Jennifer Landon
If I could walk you through life
While holding your hand
Would you smile as if to say
That you truly understand?
If I could prevent all the hardships
That life throws your way
Would you give me a hug
And never wander away?
If I could make all your dreams
Become ever so true
Would the world seem perfect
As I do this for you?
If I could make your little eyes see
Would you realize how much I cherish thee?
My beautiful daughters I love you so
If I give you the world
Would your smile always show?
I lay wounded like a soldier in casualty ward,
And threshold of pain bind me as lengthy cord;
Regardless, appetite is smitten with miasma of despair;
Does she know? All we had--the moment was rare,
As faint scents of her perfume resuscitate mementoes;
I got lost in blues, only to consume my woes.
Then came idyll days that were spent under the sun:
The summer escapades, truly, none can compare the fun;
My vision was blurred--I never anticipated the possibility,
That love is tainted; the flame burn with uncertainty,
But so far, she knows better, that ours was true,
And promise-makers realise they can't fill my shoe.
Now sweet kisses are gone--that lull me to sleep;
Can a man weep for the love he failed to keep?
Anyway, I was told everyone falls the first time,
And strongest man crawl, hold on and up he climb . . .
The Pretty Girl
Melissa Degleffetti
The pretty girl
With a heart of gold
A smile so bright
And beautiful eyes to behold
No matter how much
She might feel down
She's always there
When you need her around
But when she reaches
For the telephone
Sadly, she remembers
She's all alone
Paul James Stephens
smelled sweetly
until freedom came of age
Now she stalks
silent halls
roaming thinly reason
toward madness dawn
Replacing sadness
w/soft gold rain
Please Come Back Home To Me.
The stars shine bright and the skies are clear as I think of you to night. My
soul is aching and my heart is breaking that you are so far from me. Far away
in another land marching through the desert sands. Obstacle on seen not sure
of what tomorrow will bring. You stand up tall for what you believe, even when
much of the world around you disagrees. Hoping that tomorrow will bring an end
to what you have come to do. I know you hold me close at heart as the same can
be said of you for me. Peace as always cost a price it’s never been free. Do
what you must to help those people be free, but please come back home to me.
Benjamin Tamboer
Crowded streets so full
Of colors, happy music
Rich society
Screaming billboards say it all
Making the people speechless
My Story
By: Tonya Lincecum
I am the popular girl,
Loved by all.
I am the football captain,
No fears I have.
I am the girl in the corner,
Afraid of the world.
I am the boy picked last,
I'm just not good enough.
I am the abused girlfriend,
At least I feel loved.
I am the used boyfriend,
Wanted only for my money.
Everyone has a story,
If you'd just listen
Surprisingly, the girl in the corner,
May be the popular girl or you.
Don't judge by the cover,
Learn to look inside.
You never know, the last in line,
May be your new best friend.
That Special Someone
By theworld2sea
That special someone has a coat of tan and white
That special someone has brown eyes
That special someone will tickle you all day
That special someone will give you kisses all day
That special someone look up at you with her big brown eyes its like
That special someone is my dog.
lush crush or simply love
kay austerberry
my heart is knot,
like on a yacht ,tightly bound whenever you around.
you say my name
its like a pain,
i try to detain from wanting your claim.
its like a boat of comotion
full of emotion.
if i were to die would you cry,
if i were to fly away would you come with me or just zay good bye.
the stars glimmer
the moon shimmers
but when you smile you vgive me quivers.
your name echoes at the back of my mind
your so kind and you have a lovely mind and if you cant be mine
as two great lovers once said
'you have a lovely face,god in his mercy lend you grace'.where ever where
ever you may be you will allways,have a place with me.
i love you.
Two deep puddles of blue,
The beauty hypnotizes me
And I drown in their undertow,
I can see they hold so much more than what is on the surface,
I can see the secrets, the pain, the tears, that you hold back,
I can see the times you have wept and the times you have laughed,
The times you were broken and needed someone,
The times no one was there to dry those tears,
The times I had broke your heart, I'm sorry.
Karyelle's song is sung around the world.
Karyelle's song is heard from every boy and every girl.
Not like the Liberty Bell, but more like a windchime.
Because you can't really hear it, but you know it's there.
Karyelle's song is sworn to secrecy, which is truly sacred.
The song can linger, but her voice can't be heard from another soul.
With destiny that flows into afterlife, her song lasts forever.
It's like bonfires that keep burning.
Karyelle's identity can't be stolen, since copycats can't reach her.
Karyelle waits on the stars for people to cast light on.
And she protects people that will be and what will be people.
written by Lynda D. Brown
. . . when the wine of nostalgia's flowing,
the cloth of yesterday is frayed
and brittling bones dance slowly
when they hear their music played,
there are moments then, if brief,
when one resigns oneself to death,
yet, reasons how much more gentle
would be this decline of flesh
if the inflexible soul
would just decline with all the rest
Soul, the traitor,
escapes prim, respectable aging
by grace of a Godly breath
Reflections on Two Ovals
After a painting by Wassily Kandinsky 'Two Ovals' (218), 1919 (in St.
John Astor
Here she flies, the rainbow girl
Nature's colors, water in space reflection
Free yet captured
There, in your eyes, the deep street skies
but 3 fingers held up to say 'Notice through me' only
In your stained glass heart aquarium
the fish feed and find shelter to reveal a few possibilities
You've become beauty fulfilled, yet your the alone kind
Cities to your right and clouds on your left
but the black-blue space above add the image
infinite and endless
Open your shelter to me
Put down your shield and down your hands
You are a lake and I, a shore
And there in another dimension are two other faces of yours
Inner contentment and Sudden surprise
The left is deft and the right to write
as the end of connection feeds 2 histories with each reaction in a heaven
glistening and never preaching light reaching to another
she's making
Still another climbing up her hill so young and strong
Blow up the wind her spring dress
climbing the rocks to reach a kiss and a laugh
There on the edge of reality, a man violinist plays the serenity's edge
but it's not a him, but her in white cotton hair with a sword and bow finished
battles return from her, La Pucelle, from her blessings gone to her foes
Like a grand shot of energy in perfect particulars she sits like an owl
ready to fly, while her hand grips at the patterns
she creates, like a trumpet, like Booker Little she could be gone too soon, or
is that a leaf that has fallen from her tree of truth?
Enchanting Melody
-Gabriella Mendoza
Long has this melody been haunting me,
Never have I wished for it to set me free.
Reviving old memories hidden in the past,
From when I heard the first note to the very last.
Memories of moments not so far away, or back to being an infant,
I watch them come and fade away almost in an instant.
I long for some moments to hide in the back of my mind,
And wish to relive the good ones that will forever be left behind.
Most say they don't get it, they don't seem to appreciate,
A melody so beautiful, it filled my heart with both love and hate.
It was charming, yet simple, as if made just for me,
Something I like to call and Enchanting Melody.
Mikel Pfeifer
We are awaking in the fog and trembling the earth.
Deathless ones. We are the dreamers that consume
the earth, midnight sun.
Say good night, horrid dreamers, deathless ones.
Again and again they try to pray for me.
Don't waste your prayers.
Will I sit in midnight sunlight,
sing to me
your ever days.
The Love You Lost
The love you lost,
Was something you wished you had saved,
It was you that was hard to stay with,
It was you that made it end,
You made it by saying,
"Someone can stop us from loving."
You knew it could happen,
But you didn't really mean it,
It was just a fact you and him may have to see,
For it could happen in the day or night.
You know want it back,
But he has moved on,
So it won't happen,
It is lost.
Keren Pedersen
Night falls on raven wings
Shadows drown the distant hills
Dark horsemen ride
And when the gate closes and night comes to an end
I will shut my eyes and wait for you.
And when the sun is finished shinning
and hides its heavenly body,
A blanket of sleep will cover the earth,
And we will be together once more,
We will be together for all eternity...
Vienay brujitasinamor
Dustin, I loved you so much not to mention adored,
but you wasted it all on some little whore.
You told me if you had sex it would only be for love,
Now I can't think of anything but all of the above.
"The Reasons Why I love You"
Victoria Class
I love because of your spikey hair. I love you because your
funny. I love because you are hot and I love you for all the things that you
are not.
But if I don't know you, then how can I love you?
If I don't know you, it's cause we don't talk. If we don't talk
it's cause we aren't friends, then I can't love you.
Why don't you talk to me? Why do they tell me what I don't want
to hear? Why do you ignore me?
The bombs are dropping. The sky is falling. The world is coming
to and end.
If there were two people left in the world, Why would it be you?
The People would be my girl, my best and only friend, and me.
I can be strong. I can go on. I do know what I am going to do
and, Oh Yeah...
I Hate You!
Ever experienced a Spiritual Kiss?
To know that HE really exists.
Psalms, Proverbs. Chapter and verse. Nothing artificial, and never
A Spiritual Kiss to start the day.
HE'LL lift your spirits when you pray.
Love so unconditional that you won't stay away.
This is a Spiritual Kiss!
Every time i talk to you,
my eyes fill up with tears.
And every time i think of you,
you become my fears.
Every time I try to call,
i can not bear the pain.
and every time i am alone,
i see you in my dreams.
Every time we never talk,
i do not know what to do.
And every time i talk to you,
i cant say how i feel.
Every time i wish i knew,
you appear again.
And every time we never do,
i regret those times.
Every time i never tried,
my soul felt, my heart died.
Betty Bleen
What would I do if I didn't have you?
You're so full of wisdom that you can see
All my faults and fallacies
And splay them out in front of me
What would I do if I didn't have you?
To tell me the things I need to do
To chide me for those I didn't do right
To pick on me and start to fight
To tell me when to clean, how to cook
How much to eat, when to exercise
How long I can sleep, how to drive
Before I met you, how did I ever survive?
I wish I could turn you into a book
Share your wisdom with young and old
There must be others that need to be told
Who are willing to learn from your advice
They could keep you handy up on a shelf
Take you down if they need some help
As for me, more than anything else
I wish you'd keep your wisdom, to yourself
I see you in my dreams
Tiffany Young
As i say goodnight to him I know I will dream of you.
Your smile your laugh,And that one night we once had too.
I dream of what could of been,when I felt you within.
Us close together,Staring at one another.
Then i feel your soft hands slowly carressing,
down my neck to my breasts,I close my eyes tightly,
and feel my heart wanting to beat out of my chest.
I feel your soft lips get close to mine,
I've dreamed of a night like this all of my life.
I feel the warmth of your body as you hold me close,
I feel the warmth of your kisses,slowly sliding down,
My neck my breast slowly going further.
I close my eyes and take in the warmth
my heart beats like never before.
As my dream is slipping by,
I think of the life we could have,
and then I wake up to reality,
and i wake up beside him.
Sugely Sanchez
She was born in Oasis and raised in a war.
Beautiful girl everyone said,
but they couldn't see that she was a tortured soul.
Daddy didn't love her,
he was too busy keeping his other home.
Mommy loved her dearly but she didn't know when to let this new man go.
Years after years she saw the beatings that her mom endure.
She didn't know how a man could hurt a woman turn his back and expect her to
carry on with the chores.
How could people go on with their lives and think this is a norm?
If it was your daughter going through this would you try to save her at all?
Domestic violence kills many women and surely dries up many souls.
Next time you see a man slap a woman across the face please don't walk away,
and help this woman live for more than a couple of days.
close your eyes
breath in and out and relax
let everything slip away
these dreams may scare me
but its the only relief i have from reality
so let me rest
let me stop
hold my eyes shut before i cry
and keep my mouth shut before i scream
don't worry
cause you get to rest
don't worry
cause its where you need to be
don't you know this is all i have
i used to stay up at night
trying to hold onto every last second with you
now my consciousness has become my enemy
and sleep my ally
so i wrap my eyelids around the moon
if only to see you smiling at me again
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