TRIBUTE TO 9/11/01
Up-dated October 6, 2002
i ask today?
are their people in disarray?
did people have to die?
do people have to lie?
there is an answer
in you.
We All Fell Down
Stacey Munsee
On that fateful September morning. Everyone's worlds
stopped. Even if only for a moment. We
were shattered.
Disbelief and denial. Jumbled thoughts crowded our
heads. This isn't
happening. The people some of us knew. Most of them none of us
did. All of them were amazing and didn't deserve what happened
to them to their loved ones. We all were mesmerized, in complete shock.
Anger and Rage. Filled every American's heart. We all
stood up and united as one. To fight that common evil. So much blood, so
much loss. The air stunk with the human slaughter from the Atlantic to
the Pacific. Parts, not full bodies, but parts were what was left.
Pieces of people. Celebration in the streets of some countries.
Celebration of death, they viewed it as a victory. And even I wanted to
give them the A-Bomb. The fact that the dead were Americans, set that
aside for a moment. They were PEOPLE created under God.
Bargaining and Pledges. began; rang in our ears.
Our leader pledging that those people would not die in vain. That there
would be amends. We would make them pay. Depression and Sadness.
As the final lists came out. The worst casualties since Pearl Harbor.
Fathers, Brothers, Sons were gone forever. Mothers, Sisters, Daughters were
gone forever. So many funerals, so much tragedy. So much pain; so
much sadness.
Acceptance and Recognition. Our country, our
world won't ever be the same. Though we may never forgive; We will never
forget. The lives that ended on that day. The country that was
reunited on that day.
America has got back!
The melting pot has loosened her wrath,
By hunting down its attackers' path,
With heavy missiles and fighter-planes,
And taken its sweet revenge;
For those who did these cowardly acts,
Of hitting the Twin Towers down,
It was a great lesson,
Taught by the glorious America;
America has got its glory back,
But, not fully, again,
For, nobody knows when the Twin Towers will be rebuilt,
Like it was built a long time ago;
But, it gives me happiness to know,
That the U.S. of A has got back!
Amy Margentino
Can you believe a year has gone by?
Although it has been a year, their agony is still crystal clear.
So, who am I to cry?
Who am I to feel this pain inside?
I did not know any of them.
I was not a relative or friend.
I feel guilty that I am sad.
After all, I did not loose my mom or my dad.
I did not loose my child or my mate.
I did not loose anyone to tragic fate.
Why should I accept empathy from a friend?
I did not know any of them.
The pain you all must feel is unimaginable to me.
It will be an eternity before your hearts will be free from this grief.
I cannot comprehend how your souls can begin to mend.
I must remain strong for all of you, all of you who lost someone dear to
When no one is watching, I will sneak away to shed a tear in remembrance of
this horrible day.
Hopefully, no one will see.
For who am I to cry?
This poem is about the terrible tragedy of September 11:
By Portia Hamilton
The wind blows through the trees
and the leaves fall to the ground
I hear the knocking of people's knees
as they cross the road to town
Why would someone want to cause this pain?
Why would someone be so cruel?
What on earth did they achieve?
Why does hate have to rule?
Why did they have to do that,
it brought so many tears
the memories won't be forgotten
even after so many years
God please stay with me
forever eternity
I love you with all my heart and soul
oh please God, please don't go
by Douglas Ecker
There was a time not so long ago
when all i knew was dread and woe
i travelled these roads devoid of hope
lost in the darkness i walked a tightrope
always so close to the edge of the line
i lived my life without reason or rhyme
it was all so senseless these deeds of fear
the evil edged closer bringing me near
to the time at hand when my hell would break loose
closer and closer awaited the noose
so much war so much hate so little love much too late
to make a difference there was no more time
a man with no soul at the end of his line.
A man without joy engulfed by self pity
alone in the void cast by the lights of the city
i ran from this place as far as i could
would have run from myself if i only could
shed my skin which had become too tight
and begin anew a new man a new life
then i happened upon a place in the distance
at the edge of the world at the edge of existence
it lay before me stretched out for miles and miles
this vast sanctuary of tribulations and trials
dunes of white sand as fine as powder
and then beyond that white crested waves even prouder
and rising above all this peace all this fury
the seagull he flew and he told me a story.
Once upon a time long before the planes
long before the smoke long before the flames
before the dust before the ash before the death
and the mountains of trash
when fields of vast strawberry did grow
when peace prevailed how could you know
a time would come you’d rue the day
the seeds you’d sown would blow your way
and plant themselves forevermore
in your home along your shore
the worms ate their way through the core of the apple
and down to columbia tore through your castles
i watched in silence as darkness subdued
the blood red rays its brilliant hues.
Day turned to night the vapor engulfed
all that was good within yourself
your finest your proudest gave of themself
and fell in anguish they could not help
innocent young faces of excitement and joy
forever vanquished every girl every boy
human bullets shot from the blue
tore from the sky within my view
from over the river that lay to the east
a naked void laid low the beast
not far from here in a field of green
and farther on down the throne of the king
assaults were aimed in a message of hate
to shatter your spirit in unknowing wait.
You were down but not out
thru the night your voice did shout
night into light day after day
many moons passed you did not give way
you rose and you shone your collective soul
gathered as one as the bell tolled
you labored and toiled you wept you mourned
you graced yourself in the face of everything torn
again i watched not i to judge
just an observer from high above
what i saw gave me hope
in these darkest of times
a faith in a future without torturous crimes
the best comes from within it is there if you search
and take just a moment to study your dearth.
I saw it was so this story he told
all i need do was see the light within me
it dims and it fades it waxes and wanes
subdued by pain yet it remains
there as sure as night becomes day
as seasons change so simple so strange
greed and arrogance once ruled the day
when revealed our true nature does show us the way
our eyes are clear alight in the sky
upon cloudness night they shine their light
it’s ok to cry let our eyes shed tears
they glisten and gleam we hope we dream
a collective soul of promise and faith
which knows no bounds this we have found
red white and blue we are not through
our fears are none
Eliza Anderson
Hate is too strong to bottle,
Too potent for just one,
To act the way hate makes you feel is very wrong.
Don’t inflict pain upon yourself for someone else’s deeds
They should be the ones apologizing because you feel that need.
You could say you feel pressured and everyone hates you
But if you look deep into your heart you know that it’s not true.
Don’t ever listen to someone tell you that you’re not smart.
The only thing that you should listen to is what is in your heart.
You are wonderful just the way you are.
You should never feel put down.
Hold your head up high walk with dignity and pride,
There is something wonderful in everyone and they should know it.
They should want to stand up and show it.
Be true to yourself and never doubt what abilities you have and what you hold
The American Spirit
The love for a country so bold and deep.The time to pray is here to stay.Our
country was hurt,the eagle cryed the tried to take our freedom they didnt
suceed.One year later we fight for the lives that were lost.The eagle will
always sore into the wind.The flag will always fly in our hearts,Lady Liberty
will always stand tall!
Many were found
Or did they find us?
Possibly they found themselves
Who is and who is not one?
How do you claim to be one?
How do you recognize one?
They come and go
Some stay
Who do they turn to when they need one?
Can anyone be one?
Are you one?
You decide who is one
You choose if you are one
Everyone can be one
Did you offer?
Will you offer?
Did you become ...?
Are you a hero?
- Sid
People will forget 9/11
It is bound to happen
Some will remember
Those who remember still struggle to comprehend
They torture themselves to find a reason
For the events they cannot forget
People who forget 9/11 understand
Why it happened
They acknowledge that the world is full of wrong
That evil cannot be abolished
Those who can't forget don't want
To realize that it is natural for
Bad things to happen
You are no less for forgetting
Or more for remembering
9/11 has happened
9/11 will disappear
But the lives it took will not
They forever live in those who remember
Fernando Matias
Why must life be so alone and unforgiving?
Why must one mistake be so harmful and unforgivable?
Why must I be pushed aside and unforgiven?
Because it is easier to hate then to forgive.
Janette Hurst
People sing and people laugh.
Why were their lives cut in half?
So much crying, so many tears.
We will remember.
People sleep and people play.
What happened to the rest of their day?
So much sorrow, so much pain.
We will remember.
People sin and people pray.
How do we get through another day?
So much hate, so much rage.
We will remember.
People walk and people run.
When again will we see the sun?
So much dark, can't see the light.
We will remember.
People waste so much time.
Who could do such a crime?
So much drama, too much violence.
We will remember.
People are human beings.
Where should we start the healing?
Maybe in are hearts, yes that's where we should start.
We will remember.
By:Johnny Chargalaf
Friends come in various ways
But you cherish for all my days
When your feeling down and blue
i'll be there for you through
we'll share feelings that are meant to hold
we'll tell secrets that aren't publicly told
i'll be there to support you more
hey, that's what friends are for
when your read this poem think of me
because we'll be friends for eternity.
Once upon a time you took me in
Once upon a time you accepted who I was
Once upon a time there were no questions asked
Once upon a time that beautiful face smiled
Once upon a time that gorgeous smile was at me
Once upon a time you knew my name
Once upon a time that awesome voice said my name
Once upon a time those eyes looked at me
Once upon a time you gave me hope
Once upon a time you gave me courage
Once upon a time you gave me the privilege of being next to you
This time around, you're alive but
This time around, you're gone
(broken friendship)
by Sara Lantrip
I walked silently,
Through an empty hallway.
I touch the windowless walls,
As if trying to grasp reality.
Wasn't this where I last saw you?
I don't remember anymore.
Did I just see a flash of your smile?
No, I must be dreaming.
It tore me apart to see us fade-
...Too unreal.
Aren't promises meant to not to be broken?
Well, your eyes told me otherwise.
All those nights of joy-
Our laughter could be heard for miles.
So sad, so tragically sad...
How we fell away from that whole-hearted love.
Oh, please,
Don't look at me like that.
Isn't it enough that I mourn for our friendship?
Are you going to make me mourn for me too?
I stared at your number,
Until my eyes began to distort it.
I never picked up the phone, but I waited for you to-
You didn't.
I wish I could say that we tried to mend things,
But we didn't-why is that?
Were we too stubborn? Too headstrong?
...Too broken?
Whatever the reason,
Please don't let time diminish my heart.
Then, I could hardly imagine my life without you,
Now, I need to imagine it with you here...
All over again.
I see the dance of a fool treading through
life at a whelm,
Existing in a dimension of desperate
Filled with misgivings and mischievous
I Watch in horror as the heartbreaks
compound and contort his character,
His smiles turn to similes and his joys to
jargon and jilted fantasies,
The destruction of decades of dreams have
demolished his demeanor,
So now he sits with a foolish look and a devilish grin,
Doing a two step cha cha to life's one step
With his head to the skies to prevent the reservoirs of tragedy,
To empty and roll down trauma tainted
I almost laughed at the fool amazed how sad his existence could be,
Until I realized I was looking in a mirror
and the fool was me.
kristal liza pinili
sleeping in the river
with the shallows and bashing rocks
the sky pierces through the leaves
and i drift
like pebbles in the tide
the water whispers
about the girl who drowned
strangled by the wild roses
the trees murmur
secrets in the silt
here is where they danced
the river saw
the river remembers
once upon a time
we were
two river
tryin to f
l o
to an ocean
to hug each other
so tight and lovely
that any one cant see my tear
to swell with the beautiful girls of water
on the waves
without any fear...
once upon a time
once upon a time
that i hide you from the sun
in my heart...
oh my!
I cant forget
now in the sky
that once upon a time
we were two rivers
that loved each other
Separate Serenity
Gary Skidmore
Water of azure, cool & crisp.
The sun at its height
showering above
with all of its glory. This fine
sand cradles my body
like a mother in her first
joyful embrace. I feel
joy in my confused spirit.
Not the roaring bliss from falling in love
nor the excitement of a child
on Christ’s day.
Just a peaceful serene joy
as if my mind is speaking
calm dialects to the rest of my body.
And as I see the surf meeting with stone,
couples hearts joining as one, and the families
living my dreams, I am not with them
nor in their world.
To some it may seem sad,
but for me at this time,
in this place,
it is what’s right.
- Chaitra Sriram
Hope is not thinking that there is no sorrow
It is believing that there is a better tomorrow
When dark things happen that you don't like
Hope is like an angel that gives you some light
So when you are feeling very unhappy
Keep on hoping and happy you shall be!
the nu-proletariat
Cora Payne
their shoes are all half to hell
their pants used to belong to
butch grannies from the '70s
their eyes ready like spinning plates,
fine china----polished with sweat
and unnatural tears
set to duck inside their
dirty polyester collars
hunched and staggering---swaggering
rubbing their stubble against doorways
sparking like their empty cigarette lighters
scratch scritch scratch
shuffle hiss
licking dry lips
sucking in dirty air, dirty
smoke, dirty
getting ever thirstier
starting to rattle
plaid spiders in corners of alleys
weaving their drug webs
spraying "revolution" on their
usurped roofs, sheds, parking lot fences
know all about the velvets
know all about ginsberg
know all about mops and nametags and
hot stuffy kitchens
daily deface themselves:
daily shake off the ashes:
gather smoke and dust again:
always jumpy-----tomorrow maybe
Rome will fall.
alisha alberts
Somedays i lie in bed
Contemplating if i can get up
And face the world
I'm hollow from the inside
Shallow to the core.
I've spent most of my life striving for perfection
But yet never reaching my own
Somebody save me from self destruction
Before vanity consumes you too
My lack of substance
Feeds off my appearance
Making visuals deeper than an obsession
Too much pain can hurt a person
But i wonder...
How much does it take to kill?
Death may come on swift wings.
But life will always be.
We will come we will go.
We are afraid of what will go.
You and me will always be.
Yet there will be none of me.
By Nick Richmond
By Shaun Albrew
A rush of blood
The jingling of keys
He rises up slowly
But goes weak at the knees
The clanging of metal
As the cell doors unbolt
His swollen eyes open
With a terrible jolt
In walks a guard
Fists in the air
Beating him furiously
He seems not to care
The game’s almost over
How long can he last?
Death defying him
With each pin-point blast
A thrashing of feet
Battering blows
He can’t last much longer
But no-body knows…
When the beating will stop
His mind in a haze
At the hands of the guard
Defiance ablaze
Curled in a ball
He starts to shake
A strengthening mind
The guard dares not break
A mind of information
Essential to the fight
The guard stops striking
He looks in delight
The battered mess
Trembling with pain
The guard has been left
With nothing to gain
A heart so strong
That it cannot fail
A silent victory
It comes to prevail
He’s broken and battered
Near death
He’s been left alone
For a bit of a rest
But who really knows
What tomorrow will bring
In this horrifying world
He’s now living in.
Cold and corrupted,
and pretty as pie,
another tower bleeding
off the New York skyline.
A corporate catastrophe,
point click and sell,
and I thought the world would notice
when that second tower fell.
And everyone stood still.
And everyone held hands.
And we all cried together,
“I’m here brother,
I understand”
And night fell on the sashes,
which fell on us all.
From here to East Asia,
we all waited for that call…
“Daddy, I’m ok,
I made it,
I’m coming home.”
And the tears in her voice echoed
through lovers left alone.
We all thought of our families,
branded in reflect,
with eyes dry and burning,
watching president elect.
And we all made this promise,
our hearts felt the change,
like we ever had a choice,
human race rearranged.
So I thought…
And maybe you did too…
But time is the CEO
and the American machine’s got work to do!
So bring on the whisky,
and lets make a deal,
that’s money buried breathing,
and a wall street Cipro steal.
Underneath the heartbeat
that we all felt together.
Underneath the promise
of change and forever.
My heart to all the people,
who never said goodbye.
My arms to hold you sister,
don’t be afraid to cry.
I’ve seen new light through verses,
survivors tear and tell.
But I thought this world would notice,
when that second soldier fell.
Jackie Dollinger
Diane Ehrgood
Lets all join hands together
And remember the day 9/11
When our nation changed forever
Lets all join hands and raise our
Children right lets help them become
Strong peaceful people since they
Are our future
Lets remember the unknown heroes
Who gave their live so that
We might live another day
Lets thank them for all they did
Lets all pray for peace on Earth
So we all can live life a
Little more freely
Lets remember our military who
Are fighting overseas so
We can be a little safer
Lets remember with kindness
All who lost their lives
On the tragic day
Decaying Times
Jesse Davis Huff
Everywhere I go I see the faces of young and old,
And people whose hearts have grown bitter and very cold,
The world is hurting inside and out, slowly breaking apart,
When is it going to end? When did it even start?
Questions are rapidly running inside my head,
When will the injured be healed? When will the poor be fed?
The world needs a revival, we need to have it now,
We are all equals in this world, we need to see that somehow,
The beauty of this earth is being ruined by corruption and deceit,
Parents and their children on living on the street,
God loves us so much that he gave his only son,
So we may have everlasting life and live in peace as one,
We need to lose our selfishness and think about others,
God made us all to be sisters and brothers,
Now is the time for us to join our hands,
To establish peace throughout all the lands,
Hate, Anger, Violence, and Heartbreak is all I really see,
They are robbing us of what we can truly be,
One world, one weapon formed against the root of all evil,
Going to the frontlines and causing an upheaval,
We are going to build a better tomorrow, starting with today,
With God's help we will build a mighty fortress on top of the decay,
Just look at the world around you and tell me what you see,
I see God's creation, living in you and me,
We need to join together and create a work of art,
That will never be broken and will never fall apart,
When you begin to doubt yourself, just kneel down and pray,
Because God is going to be there to help you every step of the way.
Poems copyright ©
designated authors 2002.
Page Copyright © 2002.
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