. . .
im Nebel leben
und wissen
oben ist Sonne
to live in fog
and knowing
above is the sun
Ruth-Ingeborg Frank passed away on April 14 in Emmendingen, Germany. - Hermann-Dietrich Franke Family
. . .Just wanted you to know that my poem, "Shelling Peas," is featured today on Your Daily Poem: http://www.yourdailypoem.com/listpoem.jsp?poem_id=728
Hope you enjoy it! And Happy Mother's Day to those of you who are mothers out there. Love, –Penny Harter. . .
Penny’s page will be gone, but you can look back in the archives for it and take a look at an interesting site. – jr
. . .THANK YOU so MUCH for your Review [of An Abundance of Gifts]. I am terrible at finding/knowing about reviews, etc. Izzy has/is designing me a haibun website - www.stanleypelter.com - and your review appeared on it. I haven't got the hang of it yet as it keeps progressing but each book has about 6 haibun that can be read. These Izzy changes after a time lapse. It seems to have progressed into showing a certain number of illustrations, recording the number of 'hits', etc. (I can't find them, or other 'features' I am assured are there! Was sent the latest 'updates' - and THERE was your Review. Thank you again. It was great! You are, too. Been writing articles on artists or 'movements' who have/are having retrospectives at the TATE Modern Art Gallery in London. First was the 'de Stijl' group. Next is Joan Miro. Also writing one called a hint of haibun vlasphemy. If interested, I will send you a copy when completed. It is a bit of a justification of my conscious application, here-and-there, of long sentences when we all know, don't we, that any lack of concision is verboten. I am also trying to get back to work on collection 7, but daily drug-induced extreme tiredness works against it. When done it will be the last! Then the weirdest of opposites might emerge. The 7 collections, packed full of individual haibun (as they should be), will (hopefully) meld into a single 'life-to-death' cycle. The first haibun in book 1 (past imperfect) is 'birth hospital'; the last in book 7 (one of 3 possible titles yet to be decided), will be 'death'. Difficult to talk about a haibun 'novel,' but that is what it is intended to be. Will send you a copy when/if.
Off to local hospital tomorrow and London specialist hospital next week for beginnings of next round of 'processes' re adrenal gland and spleen removal. very best wishes and lots of love. – Stanley Pelter
The 12th Tanka Society of America’s International Competition Call for Submissions
Deadline: Postmark date of June 30, 2011.
Eligibility: Open to all, members and non-members alike, except TSA officers and judges.
Regulations: Any number of tanka may be submitted. Entries must be original, in English, unpublished, and not submitted for publication or to any other contest.
Entry Fee: $1.00 per tanka, U.S. funds only. Please make checks/money orders payable to the "Tanka Society of America."
Submissions: Submit each tanka on three separate 3 x 5 inch cards, two with the tanka only (for anonymous judging), the third with the tanka and the author's name and address in the upper left-hand corner. Type or print neatly please. Submit entries and fees to: Celia Stuart-Powles, PO Box 521084, Tulsa, OK 74152, USA Awards: First prize: $100; Second Prize: $50; Third Prize: $25. Amount of prizes may be reduced if an insufficient number of entries are received. Winning poems will be published in Ribbons, the Tanka Society of America journal. Adjudication: The name(s) of the judge(s) will be announced after the contest. Rights: All rights revert to the authors after publication. Correspondence: Unfortunately, entries cannot be returned. Please send a business size SASE for answers to queries or for a list of winning entries. For foreign entries, send a self-addressed envelope and one international reply coupon.
Snapshot Press announces two international annual awards for unpublished collections of haiku, tanka, short poetry and haibun. Award winners will have their collections published by Snapshot Press.
The Snapshot Press Book Awards
The Snapshot Press Book Awards are international annual prizes for unpublished book-length collections of haiku, tanka, short poetry and haibun.
The Award winners will have their collections published in paperback or hardback by Snapshot Press. There may be up to four Award winners each year.
Submissions are open from July 1–November 30.
Full details are available on the website www.snapshotpress.co.uk
The Snapshot Press eChapbook Awards
The Snapshot Press eChapbook Awards are international annual prizes for unpublished short collections of haiku, tanka, short poetry and haibun.
The Award winners will have their collections published online by Snapshot Press. There may be up to eight Award winners each year. Each entrant will receive a copy of a print anthology featuring a selection of the best individual poems and haibun entered into the contest.
The deadline for submissions is July 31.
Full details are available on the website www.snapshotpress.co.uk
From Lime Trees to Eucalypts: A Botany of Tanka: Call for Submissions The Special Features section of the Atlas Poetica (ATPO) website is seeking submissions for a collection “From Lime Trees to Eucalypts: A Botany of Tanka” to be edited by Angela Leuck. The plant—flower, shrub or tree—referred to in the poem should invoke a strong sense of place, either where the poet lives or has traveled. Thus, poems about more common and widespread species will not be considered. Rather what is wanted are plants that are typically associated with a particular region, even if they are not well known outside that region. Each poem should be accompanied by the Latin name of the plant, as well as location. Poems must not have been previously published. Submissions: Poets are invited to send up to three tanka, but only one, if selected, will published, in keeping with the theme and format of the features on the Atlas Poetica website. Send to acleuck@gmail.com, with a subject line of ‘A Botany of Tanka.’
Before submitting, please go to http://www.AtlasPoetica.org. All the usual guidelines for Atlas Poetica apply. Potential contributors should familiarize themselves with the Special Features and the full ATPO guidelines. Deadline: Deadline for submitting is August 1, 2011. The planned publication date is September 2011. Special Features are published on an irregular schedule.-- M. Kei, Editor, Atlas Poetica
We’re ready to begin accepting offers of content for the second issue of our Journal of Renga & Renku, which has now been accepted for inclusion in the MLA International Bibliography. The journal will be:
1. published at the end of 2011
2. available in hardcopy only
3. available for purchase online using Paypal
We’re looking for a variety of content along the lines of:
1. Academic/polemic articles on any aspects of the genre
2. Translations of old renga and renku
3. News of renku groups and happenings
4. Book articles/reviews
5. Letters responding to the content of Issue 1, or on any relevant topic
6. and of course, a showcase of current examples of the genre:
a) in English
b) in any other language, accompanied by an English translation
c) previously published or not (just let us have details of prior publication so we can acknowledge properly)
d) simultaneous offers are fine too, again provided you advise us of prior publication for purposes of acknowledgement
e) in any of the standard forms: kasen, triparshva, nijûin, jûnichô, shisan, rokku, hyakuin, yotsumono, etc.
f) in any explorations of the above forms in terms of experimentation with one-line, zip, 5/7/5 or other fixed counts, and even rhyme
g) solo and group work
h) with (preferably) or without notes/reflections on the poem/process from sabaki or renju or both
i) Please include the following text in all poetry submissions: “I hereby confirm that I have obtained consent from all of the participating poets to offer this poem for publication by JRR”
7. We are also holding a contest, the winning poem to appear in JRR2; click here for details: http://tinyurl.com/jrr-contest
8. We’re open to discussing content ideas we’ve not covered above, so please write
9. All communications will be acknowledged within two weeks
10. Closing date for sending content: October 1, 2011
11. We are regretfully unable to pay contributors for content at this stage
To gain an idea of the sort of content that interests the editors, leaf through the 17-page preview of the current issue of JRR at http://tinyurl.com/preview-jrr1 or, better still, order the 170-page Issue #1 at http://www.darlingtonrichards.com/jrr
Please send all contributions and other communications to RengaRenku@gmail.com (RengaRenku AT gmail DOT com) We look forward to hearing from you.Norman Darlington & Moira RichardsJournal of Renga & Renku http://darlingtonrichards.com/
. . .The March Equinox issue of The Ghazal Page is online now. It incorporates the idea of previous April Fool's issues with witty poems (not pranks!) Please enjoy it. All the best, Gino
Dear Readers and Contributors, The new issue of Shamrock (No 17) is now available online at http://shamrockhaiku.webs.com/currentissue.htm It has a big selection of Greek haiku in English translation, an essay, a selection of international haiku, and a haibun. The results of our annual Readers' Choice Award appear at the top of the page, and you can read all the winning haiku and senryu. Thanks to all who sent us their works!
Anthony Kudryavitsky, editor
Dear Readers and Friends,
After unexpected circumstances and four issues, we have decided to close the doors and will no longer be publishing Berry Blue Haiku. However, we are happy to announce that all issues are now available for free. For now, they can be downloaded through CurrClick at http://www.currclick.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=402 To download your free copies, all you need to do is register with CurrClick (this is free).
We hope that everyone will check out our issues. You'll find wonderful haiku, haiku-related articles, lessons, crafts, and more—all geared toward young readers. Although the business entity that is Cobalt Crow Productions is ending, the essence that has been Berry Blue Haiku will live on. I will be launching a personal blog which will keep the name Berry Blue Haiku, and there I still intend to feature haiku, run interviews, contests, articles, etc., but in a much simpler format.
For more details and updates, please keep an eye on our blog at http://cobaltcrowproductions.blogspot.com/ Thank you.
Peace and blessings,
Gisele LeBlanc, Founder and Executive Editor, Cobalt Crow Productions
Dear haiku friends,
The Dutch small publishing house 't schrijverke now has an English version of it's website on line. The site will give you an idea of what 't schrijverke is all about: not just publishing, but also collecting, promoting and connecting. And watch out for the news on the latest issue of Whirligig, the multilingual haiku journal. Copies are on their way to its subscribers and info on the content will be added to the site very soon.Meanwhile, you can find info on the 2010 volume on the site, as well as reactions on that first volume. And besides ....Oh well, just have a look at http://haikuschrijverke.nl/
Max Verhart
Liebe Haiku-Freunde, die Monatsbeiträge Mai 2011 auf haiku-art sind online.Haiga – Simone K. Busch & Bea BareisHaiku – Gerd Börner Ein herzlicher Gruß aus dem Mansfeldischen, Ramona
the fib review Issue # 9 is now on site at www.musepiepress.com Click on “the fib review” in the left margin to launch the fib review site. The Fib Review Issue #9 has been posted to the Muse-Pie Press site. We’ve redesigned the journal to allow for more space for the poetry and we’ve added a Writer’s Archive which links the poems of all our previously published poets to the archived issue in which they were published. This issue continues to features some outstanding Fibonacci poetry from new poets to award-winning poets. It has a diverse and rich blend of Fibonacci poems of varying lengths and shapes that represent works from the international community of poets of Canada, Italy, New Zealand, the UK, and the US. Submissions for Issue # 10, due to be posted in August 2011, are now being accepted. Please send your submissions to musepiepress@aol.com. Be sure to put “For the Fib Review” in the subject line.
Simply Haiku Spring 2011, Vol. 9. No. 1 With a whole new look on our own website!
http://simplyhaiku.theartofhaiku.com/ Robert D. Wilson, Saša Važić
The new issue of Roadrunner, 11.1, is now up: http://www.roadrunnerjournal.net/
Featuring: Scorpion Prize #22 by Robert Grenier; A review of Peter Yovu's new haiku collection, Sunrise; Favorites from 2010 (by the editors); & 56 new ku. Hope you like the new issue. Scott
Hello Sketchbook Reader,
The Sketchbook Vol. 6, No. 2--March / April, 2011 is now on line:
Sketchbook: Vol. 6, No. 2:
The March / April 30 , 2011 Sketchbook contains poems, art and features by eighty-six writers from twenty-one Countries: Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Portugal, South Africa, Romania, Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, Yemen, United Kingdom (England, Scotland), United States. The Editors extend a warm welcome to all readers and writers!
Submissions are now open for the May / June 30, 2011 Sketchbook. Submissions are open to the general public. Please review the submission guidelines at this link:
Read the complete submission guidelines The Sketchbook Editors: Karina Klesko and John Daleiden
1. Contemporary Haibun Online Editors Jim Kacian, Ken Jones and Bruce Ross announce the release of the April 2011 issue. Enjoy the editor’s pick, a special feature: Haibun as Journalism, and haibun by 40 writers.
2. Haiku Oregon calls for your haiku to be displayed at the HSA Quarterly National Meeting & Haiku Art Walk Wall at the historic Liberty Theatre in downtown Bend, Oregon on June 3, 4, and 5, hosted by Haiku Oregon and
co-sponsored by the City of Bend. Please see full details in Ripples, and at the
HSA Website (www.hsa-haiku.org) plus the Haiku Oregon Website (http://sites.google.com/site/haikuoregon). Our goal is to exhibit 500 haiku and we have more than half that amount already, but please take a moment to email your own favorite haiku that you have written to date, (published with credits or unpublished), under the subject heading "HSA haiku Wall" to an'ya at haikubyanya@gmail.com and just include your name, city, state and country. We would like to have all HSA members present at the meeting one way or the other. We are also displaying haiga and other forms of artwork that include haiku, so please feel free to contact an'ya if you are interested or want to know more about this part of the project as well.
3. Haiku Pix Review seeks poems employing word-pictures to evoke emotion. It is a new paper review. Accepts haiku, senryu, tanka and haibun. Offers chapbook publication to its contest winners. Subscriptions: $20. Submit 1-10 poems to: Haiku Pix Review, 11F, No.489, Tian-fu Rd., Hsinchu City, Taiwan. Email: haiku@haikupix.com/
Website: http://www.haikupix.com/review
4. Submissions are open for the partly complete Romance under a Waning Moon, a website of haiku, tanka, haibun and images about the ups and downs of later-in-life romance: Email: Ray@raysweb.net Website:http://raysweb.net/fallromance
Dear Friends, Readers, and Heron's Nest contributors,
The March issue of The Heron's Nest (our first in Volume XIII) is now available for your reading pleasure at http://www.theheronsnest.com/. With the release of this issue comes the opportunity for you to see which poems were your favorites from last year. The results can be viewed here and will be published in the annual paper edition due out in April.
Dear Poet,
These are only some of the comments we have received following the publication of the inaugural issue if Haiku Pix Review #1, Winter 2011. True to its name, HRP aims to publish haiku that use juxtaposition of images to produce emotion:
spring apple tree
on the old gnarled trunk
its own shadow
-- Bruce Ross
on a lotus leaf ...
-- Chen-ou Liu
Electronic submissions accepted. Visit: www.haikupix.com/ Best regards, Tad Wojnicki haiku@haikupix.com/

June 4 from 9 – 7:30 Haiku Circle in Northfield, MA 01360. Poetry reading by Cor van den Heuvel, workshops by Alan Emond - naturalist, Ed Rayher of Swamp Press and Greg Joly of Bull Thistle Press, Mike Ryan - photographer and Mary Forrester – artist. For more information contact Stan Forrester: bottlerockets_99ATyahooDOTcom
August 3-7, 2011 Haiku North America Conference in Seattle, Washington,! Members of the Haiku Northwest group have generously offered to host the 2011 conference and they have many exciting plans already in the works, including a harbor cruise.
The conference itself will be held at the Seattle Center, at the foot of the Space Needle, providing easy access to ginko opportunities such as Pike Place Market (via the monorail), the Olympic Sculpture Park, the Experience Music Project rock-and-roll museum and Science Fiction Museum, and countless other attractions—including fleet week and the Seafair festival, with the Blue Angels performing overhead. The conference theme will be "Fifty Years of Haiku," celebrating the past, present, and future of haiku in North America. Speakers already include: Cor van den Heuvel, Richard Gilbert, David Lanoue, Carlos Colón, Fay Aoyagi, Jim Kacian, Emiko Miyashita, George Swede, and many others.