Richard Straw
Curtis Dunlap
seeds sown
in a backyard washout
deaf to reason
a flooded cemetery
raising the dead
pods for swine
a prodigal son
eyes black clouds
a hobo shouting
"Repent! Repent!"
bread cast upon waters
and boats swamped by waves
a rainbow spanning
the hurricane's eye—
sirens fill the streets
Began 10/29/2007 - Completed 11/08/2007
Barbara A Taylor, Australia
Moira Richards, South Africa
with my father
on his toes
little sister
once the nuisance
now a best friend
tall in the saddle
counting speckled eggs
in a thrush’s nest
nothing like mama's big bed
for a sick-day treat
close to the badger’s lair
following our stick boats
following the stream
under gray skies
queues for donkey rides
and pink candy floss
the story books
I read and loved and read
all over again
teddy and me
waiting for the tooth fairies
and mum’s goodnight kiss
Frank Williams, England
Doreen King, England
lunch in the plaza
two butterflies zip by us
in unison
July rainbow
still there when I look again
on the wall
a painting of the winning
display of flowers
a rabbit nibbles
under a roof of stars
just an inch above
the mountain’s peak
a full paschal moon
a vaulting champion
completes the round
news from home,
reloading my brush
with warm water
hooligans hurl trash
into the castle’s moat
by midweek
your plastered leg becomes
black with signatures
stoically looking forward
the snowman named Bill
waiting for her
the weather vane arrow
pointing at him
hand in hand we watch
an old weepy film
first cold day,
the dew stays
until our tea break
fallen leaves join
the cenotaph’s tributes
the flag to the moon
in silk pajamas
behind the oak clock
a new corn dolly
the startled mouse
stares at me for a tick
then strolls away
during the long night
we run out of wine
at first light
the rattle of a train
on the railway lines
the Jersey potatoes
thud on the floor
plum blossoms gust in
through an open door
last peck at the eggshell
and the chick is free
Composed: via snail mail & email
15 July 2007 – 19 October 2007
Pamela A. Babusci
Alexis Rotella
another autumn
another picasso's
blue period...
putting on a scarlet blouse
I go shopping
Last night
I dreamed of a hairy snake
who I followed
up a hillside to the cabin
of a man.
there he was
in a reptile rug
unable to touch me
for fear of shedding
Wake up,
he says raising his voice
to his 90-year old mother
who falls prey
to those who prey on the old.
not wanting to be the
victim anymore
she musters guts
& refuses to cook dinner
for her son
Day of the Dead –
he makes all
her favorite foods
and picnics
on her grave.
Written October 26, 2007.
Alexis Rotella
Pamela A. Babusci
Bumping up against
the poet's invisible shield,
she tells me not to be hurt
if in the future she doesn't
recall me, or my name.
how coolly
we forgot
each other
like a one-night stand
with a stranger
Last candy kiss
left in the dish –
do I pass his test
leaving it
for a hungry ghost?
what is this appetite
that haunts me
day & night?
i long for the succulent taste
of wild raspberries
Beaujolais Nouveau –
three glasses
and still no buzz.
October 25, 2007
Dorothea Penn
William A. Poppen
Beneath the edge of time,
you have always clung
to the wall of my heart like poison ivy with your breathless
woody-stemmed love
seeks only pure knowledge
not containment of your spirit.
Stay near.
My skin branded by the stirring of your passions drunk from your
swallowing my shadow your lustful heart's dreams filters my
emotionality and has always punctuated my language
Chase me
for I will run.
Hold me for I will fight
against headlines or skywriting
With cold understanding: allowing me
to lie face up to the clouds
and drink the torrent rain perfumed
by your breathless curiosity
with tender hands
fleet footed fear of love.
Anchor my heart beating with waves
so high.
Anne-Marie Culhane (master poet)
Paul Conneally (host poet)
Catherine Naysmith
Oonagh Desire
Jo Salter
Dave Jones
Jenny Stanton
Anita Joice
Joseph Conneally
Colin May
Becky Didlick
Gaby Hock
A black bucket
filled with red currants
making jelly the quick way
there are many reasons
to celebrate
the magistrate offers
a road safety course
instead of a fine
rail track closed
due to snow
my phone is full
of your messages
which one shall I erase?
on the horns of a dilemma
finding it difficult to rest
bent double
a pair of students seek mushrooms
lit by sunset
we bring my geraniums indoors
in the east end
a line of bulldozers
moves through an allotment
this is my home
I lie flat beneath a vast sky
by the light of the moon
a frog sings
in a puddle
rain drenches
buds and blossoms.
A twelve-verse Junicho renga
in the season of Summer, 16 June 2007
Barracks Lane Community Garden, Oxford
Eric D. Lehman
Amy Nawrocki
Blueberry silence,
moose-haunted lakes, and pine woods
paddle us east down the stream.
Moose-haunted lakes, and pine woods
paddle us east down the stream
to a rocky coast
clouds dapple the cobalt sky,
trumpeting August journeys.
Clouds dapple the cobalt sky,
trumpeting August journeys
past flapping puffins,
the rumor of whales and seals,
and the heavy, brine-soaked air.
The rumor of whales and seals,
and the heavy, brine-soaked air
seduce our small eyes;
the deep plum water expands
and seeks land where tame fires breathe.
The deep plum water expands
and seeks land where tame fires breathe,
far from foggy shores, where
butterflies and lobsters glow in sunset red and gold.
Where butterflies and lobsters
glow in sunset red and gold,
the island breeze glints,
cormorants scurry, gulls squeal,
soft white surf kisses the cliffs.
Cormorants scurry, gulls squeal,
soft white surf kisses the cliffs
that we tramp along,
finding flowers to follow
and ledges that lead to love.

Alexis Rotella and Angelee Deodhar
Raihana Dewji
CW Hawes
this cold basement
rows and rows of dusty books
a volume of Shelley
puts your hands in mine
scraping frost
off of the car windows
this morning
tracing a smiley face
on the shower door
Copyright © by Designated Authors in 2008.