
XVIII:3 October, 2003

A Journal for Linking Poets    
  In these Participation Renga from Lynx you will find links from:

Alice Benedict

Bob Jessup

Carlos Colón 

Vikki Celeste Fannin

Cindy Guntherman

Carol Stroh Kemp 

Doris H. Thurston 

Deborah P. Kolidji

David Rice

Darrel W. Parry

Eric Folsom

Elizabeth St Jacques 

Fay Aoyagi 

Francine Porad 

Francis (Paul) Attard 

Gene Doty 

Giselle Maya

George Ralph

Jean Jorgensen

Jeanne Cassler

John M. Bennett

Jane Reichhold

John Sheirer 

Joyce Sandeen Johnson

Kenneth C. Leibman 

Larry Gross

Lesley Einer

Lael Johnson 

Madeline Hoffer

Minna Lerman

Marianne Marks

MWM   Mary Wittry-Mason


Nasira Alma

Penny Crosby 

Pamela Connor

P.J. Sharpe 

Pat Shelley


Robert Flannery

Suzette Hains

Simon Doubleday

Steve McComas  

Terri Lee Grell

Teresa Volz 

Tundra Wind 

Elliot Greig

Werner Reichhold


Zane Parks 



To join in participation renga, read the whole poem, especially the last line or lines in italic. Read the "rules" as stated under the title. Pick the link in BOLD italic you find best, worthy, interesting and write your responding link. Check the hokku poet's rules once more to make sure yours fits.

Send the title of the renga, the link and author to which your link with your initials responds. Subscribers may send in up to 10 links total. You cannot respond to your own links.

To start a participation renga, submit a hokku; (the first link (stanza) of a renga). The hokku usually contains the title of the renga. Your submission should indicate a title; the theme or premise (if any); the format (3-line links, 2-line links, etc.); and the total number of links that will complete the renga (not over 12, please). When you start a renga, think of it as YOUR renga and keep working with the new links as they arrive. Too often a renga is started but not "cared for" later.

Lynx does not edit hokku or links in this section. However, links that clearly neglect the hokku poet's guidelines will not be published.

Once a renga is established, Lynx publishes all branches of that renga, as long as poets keep feeding them links.  Lynx drops any hokku or branch that no one feeds. The previous links are printed in one line just to save space.

Send your links to us by email with the words "participation renga" as subject line.
You may also send your links by regular post to: LYNX, POB 1250, Gualala, CA 95445, USA.



Sept. 1, 2003


Rule: 3 – 2 lines alternating
Ends with 12 links

fulfilling a last request
gray north wind
pummels with heavy drops Robert Flannery

in rain the rocks find their colors cg
drilling three holes - the rose quartz bowling trophy CC
in the pub end of September most darts missing the target WR
getting the point everyone laughs at his joke at the wrong time JR
eating ice cream in the dark no more blondes WR
Carrot Top’s telephone time travel . . . back in the Rotary Club CC
dark curls from under swimming instructor’s suit 1950s lessons GD

watching my years reflected
in the sea’s mirror WR

Joe McCarthy CC


fulfilling a last request
gray north wind
pummels with heavy drops Robert Flannery

in rain the rocks find their colors cg
missing the obvious he slashes his foot on a mussel-covered rock JAJ
coming home quietly broken shells and I WR
her new treasure a wagon full of driftwood JAJ
the stick I threw now in a dog’s teeth WR
smushed sandcastle curl-lipped snarl of the 98-pound bully CC
covert photos nude beach GD

shortening shadows
the spike
of a valleyball CC


fulfilling a last request
gray north wind
pummels with heavy drops Robert Flannery
in rain the rocks find their colors cg
deep in the wave just as it breaks light glints GD
I twinkle and I shut my eyes for in the dark appearing stars WR
wearing sunglasses the Hollywood wantabee stumbles JR
on her hands and knees in front of Grauman’s CC
"Whata beach!" the young tough snarls through slitted eyes JR
a dolphin jumps or was it Eve? WR

the nymphs swirl their
gauze nachos GD

bridge dummy
the three faces
of my partner CC


fulfilling a last request
gray north wind
pummels with heavy drops Robert Flannery

in rain the rocks find their colors cg
drilling three holes - the rose quartz bowling trophy CC
in the pub end of September most darts missing the target WR
getting the point everyone laughs at his joke at the wrong time JR
Irishman explaining the steering wheel in his crotch: "It drives me nuts!" JR
spitting out a shell and a tooth WR

no more
press conferences
let them read the funnies GD

cloud gap
sting of nothing eating JMB


fulfilling a last request
gray north wind
pummels with heavy drops Robert Flannery

tourists wading in surf eyes open for sharks GD
from afar calling her through both hands white teeth WR
bright green thong between pale cheeks GD
playing frisbee a mouth full of sand hair too JAJ
your eye low water JMB
swirling swirling the sound of a siren CC
Ah – those uniformed uncovering us WR

the dog buries her nose
in the shoe, looking for
a smelly sock GD


fulfilling a last request
gray north wind
pummels with heavy drops Robert Flannery
tourists wading in surf eyes open for sharks GD
from afar calling her through both hands white teeth WR
bright green thong between pale cheeks GD
playing frisbee a mouth full of sand hair too JAJ
your eye low water JMB
concentrating on the gulls to neutralize the nausea - CC
oh watch the cage JMB

kitchen counter:
behind the blender
the mouse’s tail GD



Rule: 3 / 2 lines alternating ending with 12 links
Theme: loss, frustration, deprivation

after the blackout
eating all the ice cream quickly
before the power returns             Gene Doty



Alternate 3-line and 2-line links for 100 lines
Theme: impermanence, transitoriness

gently wiping dust from grandmother's photograph october windsong TW
warm fall days chill at sunset BJ
last rush of color outdoing itself virginia creeper PC
nights behind closed eyes images in red float by JR
taps at sunrise opening daylilies on their graves PC
flowers of our youth gone – everyone MM
mind wasting memories disappear one by one JAJ
haiku eagle gliding in a sea of chance LCG
meteorite streaks across the night sky sudden cool breeze MWM
morning sun on a bayou mist KCL
first snow already melting dancing barefoot JAJ
thinking of Tundra buying new shoes TLG
breath suspended overhead, the northern lights in slow dance JAJ
father and son pause for a long moment RF
breeze changing course weeds in the dark field bend again GR
up ahead another hidden curve ESJ
SOFT SHOULDERS warning he glances at his wife their 50th year GR
finishing the school of hard knocks YH
digital display counting down the failing heart GD
she tries to add up all the good times YH
was never very good at math MHH
one more short story attempt into the waste basket GR
sharp edges cutting through the trash bag shadows leaking out GD
thickening juice from the black beans can JMB
long time on shelf honey crystallizes sticky jar JSJ
mustard seeds pop in hot oil GD
it will be a cold day in July when I cook again YH
even the firecrackers refuse to light – a rainy fourth! dht
indoors all afternoon two boys play Civil War one gray; one blue RF
refugee children / strangers to laughter PGC
stray sniffing / stranded starfish – / gray sky's cold FPA
mackerel clouds reach every horizon piling the sea JR
broken thermometer poisonous mercury scatters everywhere JAJ
driving through a school zone spray of sparrows RF
waiting at the end of the block police speed trap JAJ
another hole in the cheese CC
small tear in the yellowed love letter folded, refolded cg
anthrax scare the office smart-aleck CC
we go to bed goose pimples appear wanted WR
bare feet find the linoleum CC
grano coffee ground heel thought JMB

splintered edge
where the door – sill GD

jogging the memory
in Central Park CC

(*sijo is the pseudonym of Gary Barnes)


gently wiping dust from grandmother's photograph october windsong TW
warm fall days chill at sunset BJ
last rush of color outdoing itself virginia creeper PC
nights behind closed eyes images in red float by JR
taps at sunrise opening daylilies on their graves PC
flowers of our youth gone – everyone MM
mind wasting memories disappear one by one JAJ
haiku eagle gliding in a sea of chance LCG
meteorite streaks across the night sky sudden cool breeze MWM
morning sun on a bayou mist KCL
first snow already melting dancing barefoot JAJ
thinking of Tundra buying new shoes TLG
breath suspended overhead, the northern lights in slow dance JAJ
father and son pause for a long moment RF
breeze changing course weeds in the dark field bend again GR
up ahead another hidden curve ESJ
SOFT SHOULDERS warning he glances at his wife their 50th year GR
finishing the school of hard knocks YH
father and son pause for a long moment RF
breeze changing course weeds in the dark field bend again GR
up ahead another hidden curve ESJ
SOFT SHOULDERS warning he glances at his wife their 50th year GR
finishing the school of hard knocks YH
digital display counting down the failing heart GD
she tries to add up all the good times YH
was never very good at math MHH
one more short story attempt into the waste basket GR
sharp edges cutting through the trash bag shadows leaking out GD
thickening juice from the black beans can JMB
long time on shelf honey crystallizes sticky jar JSJ
mustard seeds pop in hot oil GD
it will be a cold day in July when I cook again YH
even the firecrackers refuse to light – a rainy fourth! dht
indoors all afternoon two boys play Civil War one gray; one blue RF
refugee children / strangers to laughter PGC
stray sniffing / stranded starfish – / gray sky's cold FPA
mackerel clouds reach every horizon piling the sea JR
broken thermometer poisonous mercury scatters everywhere JAJ
driving through a school zone spray of sparrows RF
waiting at the end of the block police speed trap JAJ
she remembers when fast was dad’s Model T cg
man on the running board the answering machine gun CC
two Firestone front tires flat my personal "axis of evil" WR
stripped one lug nut on each wheel CC
churned crust JMB
old dog appears at my hands hoping for a treat GD

falling to my knees
then the in and out
of her tongue WR


gently wiping dust from grandmother's photograph october windsong TW
warm fall days chill at sunset BJ
last rush of color outdoing itself virginia creeper PC
nights behind closed eyes images in red float by JR
taps at sunrise opening daylilies on their graves PC
flowers of our youth gone – everyone MM
mind wasting memories disappear one by one JAJ
haiku eagle gliding in a sea of chance LCG
meteorite streaks across the night sky sudden cool breeze MWM
morning sun on a bayou mist KCL
first snow already melting dancing barefoot JAJ
thinking of Tundra buying new shoes TLG
breath suspended overhead, the northern lights in slow dance JAJ
father and son pause for a long moment RF
SOFT SHOULDERS warning he glances at his wife their 50th year GR
finishing the school of hard knocks YH

digital display counting the failing heart GD
she tries to add up all the good times YH
battery low the calculator reads "ERROR" GD
the new player late for the first game RF
dealing cards to an empty chair careless of how they land GD
face-down $10,000 poorer CC
richer for the experience bottoms up YH
"How do you stop a wino from charging?" CC
at the end of that rainbow no credit card cg
back to the diner waiting tables JSJ
old woman slips jelly packets into her purse cg
mistaking a condom / for a condiment GD
runs her tongue / over red lips, / snaps her purse shut cg
Quiet out at sea the boat sinks JMB
hot songs melt the wax from sailors' ears GD
listening to a star leaving the lake WR
heaving light beneath the wave JMB
fingerprint in the pink birthday frosting cg
watching a cow’s spittle only eating grass WR
smell from next door something stronger than just tobacco JAJ
ashes as the police leave burning marijuana WR
flick. . . flick . . . flick stench of lighter fluid GD

permeating . . .
a stick
of sandalwood CC

dust behind the radio
rubber band JMB


gently wiping dust from grandmother's photograph october windsong TW
warm fall days chill at sunset BJ
last rush of color outdoing itself virginia creeper PC
nights behind closed eyes images in red float by JR
taps at sunrise opening daylilies on their graves PC
flowers of our youth gone – everyone MM
mind wasting memories disappear one by one JAJ
haiku eagle gliding in a sea of chance LCG
meteorite streaks across the night sky sudden cool breeze MWM
morning sun on a bayou mist KCL
first snow already melting dancing barefoot JAJ
thinking of Tundra buying new shoes TLG
breath suspended overhead, the northern lights in slow dance JAJ
father and son pause for a long moment RF SOFT SHOULDERS warning he glances at his wife their 50th year GR
finishing the school of hard knocks YH
digital display counting the failing heart GD
she tries to add up all the good times YH
battery low the calculator reads "ERROR" GD
the new player late for the first game RF
dealing cards to an empty chair careless of how they land GD
face-down $10,000 poorer CC
richer for the experience bottoms up YH
"How do you stop a wino from charging?" CC
at the end of that rainbow no credit card cg
back to the diner waiting tables JSJ
old woman slips jelly packets into her purse cg
mistaking a condom / for a condiment GD
runs her tongue / over red lips, / snaps her purse shut cg
Quiet out at sea the boat sinks JMB
hot songs melt the wax from sailors' ears GD
listening to a star leaving the lake WR
heaving light beneath the wave JMB
fingerprint in the pink birthday frosting cg
bubblegum smack across her face JAJ
wiping her feet at heaven’s gate Pat Shelley CC
"wind do not muss my hair" calm skies on the day of her death JR
the dropped marble rolls out of sight GD

Lew Marie:
"Give me Marvin Gardens,
or give me death!" CC


Rules: This is an acrostic renga. Subsequent links must spell out some haikai-related word by reading the first letter of each word down the lines. Finish with 12 links.

La Renga Loca
Your muses lock horns with
Night Blooming Jazzman
X-treme Poetry – Carlos Colón

She wouldn’t be as
he neighbor’s boy wasn’t that shy WR

Opponent CC

Even the birds won’t

Right by
Your home you
Ungrateful slingshot wretch JAJ

Into a knot
Niece’s Big Chief Tablet CC

Of the Swiss Guard
To sharp shooters WR

Military intelligence
Normal life JR

Incense WR

Belly laughs
Yuckability CC


La Renga Loca
our muses lock horns with
Night Blooming Jazzman
X-treme Poetry – Carlos Colón

How easy it is
Always writing verbs that end
In ing
Keep it to a minimum and
Use the present tense without JAJ

In the manner of
Stereotypes used for a
Thousand times WR

Proper feelings
Thrust into a
ou JR

Right now she’s had
Enough of hot weather
No doubt in winter
Going to somewhere warm
All that she will desire JAJ

ppetites JR

Love is
Ever waiting
At another
Place you don’t expect WR

Á trois
Elliptically CC

Join in
Yoodles of fun JR


6-word links on the
Theme: swarming

Storm a hand, shape of wind - John M. Bennett
carrying the birds’ idea of food JR
news of doughnuts in the break room cg
the case of the pedophile priest CC
memories of a my own shame JR
that I couldn’t count to six JMB
a handful of ideas to touch JR

flies through broken screen: floor honey GD

cough glue thighs love gland uh JMB


Storm a hand, shape of wind - John M. Bennett
carrying the birds’ idea of food JR
news of doughnuts in the break room cg
children flipping raisins at the wall WR
flies rest on the burning floor JMB
one victim states he’s not Moslem WR
a crowd at heaven’s gate fighting JR

"somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly" GD

monk lifted by two holy sisters ??


Storm a hand, shape of wind - John M. Bennett
carrying the birds’ idea of food JR
news of doughnuts in the break room cg
the case of the pedophile priest CC
memories of a my own shame JR
your daydreams crowding out the cobwebs CC
water the window dry the face JMB

the hokku with one thousand links GD

deafening the music of your eyes CC



A plain ol’ renga with 3 / 2 lines for 12 links

smoothing the sea
sunset’s metallic gold
hammered flat              Jane Reichhold


Alternate 3-line and 2-line links for 12 links
Theme: interconnectedness

sliding open this bathroom window startling Orion -Robert Flannery
with jeans a belt of stars the radiance of a daughter  JR
tied shoelaces tug of war between two teams of Barbies CC
in mirror: the head upside down JMB
jigsaw puzzle factory her missing timecard CC
hissing hose beneath the table JMB
after forty years her breasts still sweet GD

chewing gum
just letting fly
the ball of bubble WR

frozen in love
the night Dad turned on
the light JR


sliding open this bathroom window startling Orion -Robert Flannery
left the hair combed my hand JMB
fair grounds the bearded lady dunks the clown CC
he reaches down to help him up a step JAJ
AIDS the joy of giving turned around JR
blue heron passes overhead RF
sky food the gopher learns to fly JR

the joke on me
echoing into eternity CC

sky diver and hang-glider
collide at four thousand feet GD


sliding open this bathroom window startling Orion -Robert Flannery
left the hair combed my hand JMB
fair grounds the bearded lady dunks the clown CC
he reaches down to help him up a step JAJ
AIDS the joy of giving turned around JR
at the gulf course hole 18 flooded WR
Sunday the rain clears for a sun day JR

the choir’s strange voices
make distant harmonies GD



Submission Rules 

Who We Are

Deadline for new links is
JANUARY 1, 2004

Links Copyright © Designated Authors 1985 - 2003.
Page Copyright © Jane Reichhold 2003.

Check out the previous Participation Renga.

Feel you need to learn a bit more about Renga?
