
Riding White Roads

riding white roads
before dawn without a horse
winds of winter

.........................Jane Reichhold

footsteps in the snow
emerging with the sun


moving clouds divide,
reappearing beyond reach -
shadows crystallize.

.......................Zoned Cat

Once flowed like a red river
black isthmus--old, cold lava

........................David Oates

filigreed moon

gliding on the pond

a cricket's call


leaves in the gutter
hiding my cat's eye marble

.......................Michael Dylan Welch

sugar maples -
street and sky lined
with bright gold

........................Jim Mullins

opening the honey jar
I see your hair in sunlight

......................Gene Doty

through the steam
of my cup of tea
your tender morning smile

......................Yu Chang

the baby's cry

......................Francine Porad

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