June 6, 2004
It's my second time talking to this girl name Beverly
her voice sound so lovely
and yet she is so funny,
I never seen or meant this girl
but I can imagine she is like a pearl
[IMAGINING] That just drop down from the sky and onto my lap,
her butt was starting to clap and flap....LOL [End of IMAGINE]
*wonder* if I could get to know her more
*NAHhHh...* She will keep pushing me to the shore,
she sounds like a pretty nice chick
So I ask her if she want my flick...
And we ended up talking about sex
so I was thinking of making her moan like T-Rex...LoL
That night she told me she is studying about biology
and yet the only thing was on my mine was sexology,
We shared a lot of infomation
It was such a DICtation
I can't resist this temptation
so once again I got out my lotion
get my hands into motion...
and she told me about her love "POTION",
Damnnnn, is this girl a nine tail fox?
Or im just breathing in too much gox?
I dont know...but it sure is fuccen good
'cuz it seem like we're in the mood...
I wonder how long i'm going to last
'cuz... I think she is going to fast
should of told her to slow down
well..., it's IiGhT, I'm enjoying the sounds
Even though my wrist is starting to get weary,
she moan so sexy, just like my dream fairy
I got to admit,
So far she meant my discript
But yet, again I dont think this chick want to get to know me
Even though I know her purdy name is Beverly
F**K it all I can say is that she is one CUTE MiSs
Let see if she talk to me after dis....
Summit Va
Starlight Lady
Ric Mohri
Starlight lady, your luminescence shines through,
From your eyes warming my soul, making it anew.
Your touch, your smile, ivory innocence mixed with experience,
Golden waves dancing around me, covering my sight.
Melodies coursing from within you,
Soothing my mind and my heart as I listen to them share.
Reassuring me, winning me, calling me there,
To the place you wish to share with me, your inner sanctum.
I am at home there, at peace, molded to you,
Knowing you, holding you, cherishing you, desiring you.
A permanent high like none that I have ever had,
Never a moment of dullness, never worried or sad.
Your love embracing my heart in an affectionate dance,
Your lead never a mistake, never left to chance.
Careful with your words, lest you may jinx this special bond,
As the master knits our moments and minutes together.
How can this come to such a pace so expediently in this way,
That we could long for each other, experience each other.
Never growing tired or distant, only ever closer,
Knowing where this tango, this special two step, will lead.
Anniversary Poem
Aschonta Turner
I can’t believe four years have passed,
Through thick and thin our love has last.
We fought to stay together,
And together we shall remain,
For you are the king of my heart’s domain.
Loving you is something that I’ll never regret,
I smile as I reminisce about the day that we met.
Your demeanor and attitude is what got me,
The first kiss is what made me weak in the knees.
My feelings for you has grown with no limits,
No judgments, expectations, or gimmicks.
Just pure unconditional love is all we need,
To made this love continually grow and succeed.
Even though you are away right now,
I’ll climb any mountain,
Swim any sea,
Just to make sure that you are returned home to me safely.
So, this is a little something
To you from me,
Wishing you Happy Anniversary!!
These dreams
terry rogers
I was volunteering
When I was done I went to rest
On the way I saw you
After 5 years you were there
We talked like the first time we met
Before I could tell you
I awoke,
If it wasn’t meant to be
Why am I hunted with these dreams
By: Sarah L. Peterson
As the days have past
As the months have faded
As the year have gone
And as we have grown older
With only you I can see our future
With only you I can see us growing old
I can see us when were 30, 60
And even when were 80
But mostly,
Together we can achieve
Together we can succeed
Together we can live a life,
Fulfilled with many dreams
By Gina White
Eyes that gaze at you from behind
Eyes that are truly undefined
Eyes that whisper while you sleep
Eyes that push you towards that leap
Eyes that love and care for you soul
Eyes that look at you as a whole
Eyes that complete a perfect life
Eyes that stab you like a knife
Eyes that fly away like a dove
Eyes that you know you'll never love
Love Song
Clarence Sy
I often think of thee
Thee of raven hair, the lady fair;
Where art thou, O blessing from heaven?
Thy words and thought I'd love to listen.
I often remember thee,
Thee of charming and humble grace;
Upon me I can see thee smiling,
Then the warmth of sun I feel, shining.
I often long for thee,
Thy cherry lips, gentle fingertips;
They thrill me in this kind of fashion:
Their touch enflames my heart with passion.
Where have thou gone, O sweet love?
Often my breath it takes and my heart aches;
Searching for thee, I oft feel the cold,
For my soul, 'tis only thee who hold.
One summer in an isle of sand
Karen Wedley
I walk through the park, not sure
whether its winter or a memory, cold
that is chapping my cheeks.
The scene blurs, ensconced
in thought and frosted blades of grass
crunched underfoot.
Last Summer, I idled in the cafe
with a cafe -au lait,
a sun kissed poet
playing origami with the menu.
thinking about what it really meant
to be silent,
and the strength of words that bind to verse
metaphors that tumble like a waterfall
and the concept of love.
I wanted to stand on my table
romance aloud about first loves and moments,
lost like a grain of a sand.
and how I feared that If I loved,
a fierce sun would famine my words—
I wince at the memory
of the shadows tracing my steps,
of the single empty cup
savouring the last traces of java.
and the orange August moon
under which I sat, alone
I So Grow Misty
Edwin Flores
The move from Missouri playing Cowboys and Indians
a friend once I had now both gone my dominion
is now in a state where brotherly love
is far from the truth, empty the thought of
My father a Sergeant twenty years of his life
the Army his calling, unfaithful to wife
where mother did hold her own and all six
children, broken heart, my wish I could fix
A bike once I had for twenty four hours
purchased by the same man I called father, I cowered
For abuse was a ritual with the back of his hand
demonstrated on a boy, treated more like a man
My gandmother whose wisdom would speak her own mind
no matter the person, their faults she would find
and in a split second you'd soon come to know
feisty and aged woman with words she would sow
a meaning to life and trait she acquired
opinions her own some wrong , some admired
Forty nine and still counting no longer a child
mood swings, midlife crisis? sentiment for awhile
has embedded in heart, the one that writes now
for years laying dormant in a soul asking how
I so grow misty, memories which keep hold
episodes, one's childhood, in corazon somewhat old
As I stand over his crib
And gaze at his awe-inspiring face,
I set eyes on my innocent child
Who deserves better than this place.
This place where good, honest people
Are filled with bitterness, and with hate.
I set eyes on my innocent child
And think...
Is this his fate?
I whisper ‘I love you,’
Hoping he’ll not awake;
Hoping he’ll stay my innocent child forever
Please God- for his sake.
He quietly stirs
And lets out a sigh.
He sleeps like a baby
As the world slowly drifts by.
Not a care in the world,
No problems at hand,
Not a burden to bear,
No abrasive demands.
As years pass by
And memories are made,
My innocent child will become a man
And his innocence will fade....
Kayleigh R. Adema
i know i'm in love,
when everyone stares,
i know i'm in love,
because i just don't care,
i know i'm in love,
when i walk extra slow,
i know i'm in love,
and you know,
that i'm in love,
don't you?
Barely At Night
Ali Al-Majnoni 2004
Barely at night,when eyes are surely shut,
And so are the doors,
Stand by your window, and listen to what
Moon is telling shores.
Wide open your eyes, and stare at the sky
That golden stars spot.
Look at the place where sea is running high,
And dark walks on foot.
Pace to your orchard, and among the gloom,
Sniff sweet-smelled flowers
That the gentle breeze has spread their perfume
In the late night hours.
Barely at night, if my heart lies a-sleep,
Come to me, a guest,
Sweeten my dream, and before the day’s peep,
Let your touch off my breast.
I missed you so much today
I wished I spent more time with you yesterday
Instead of staying out all day and late last night
I should have been home holding you tight
Days go by so quickly when we are together
I want to be with you forever
Have a family together
Grow old together
Go to heaven together
I care very much about Slim
With every part of my body and every limb
Mardochee Bellerice
In my dreams i see your face,
My tears will quietly run.
Why did you have to go away?
Your life had just begun.
Your silent cry is haunting,
Each memory is the same.
This picture painted in my mind,
Just causes grief and pain.
But i think of all the times,
You were standing there with me.
You deserve a place, free of pain,
It's where you're meant to be.
Now heaven's gained an angel,
And my heart is filled with love.
With me down here on God's green earth,
And you far up above.
There doesn't go a minute,
I don't miss that smiling face.
A painted celestial picture,
My angel up in space.
Hannah Wiles
For Danielle (my child),
Her voice is lyrical and it makes my heart leap. Her face is beautiful and
there is no other love. The seasons of my life turn over gracefully like the
coloring of a leaf, The seasons of my life ripens in the spring of her young
love. There will always be tomorrow when I seek her dreams, and reap her
glad laughter. I shall plant roots and watch her soar away from me, because
that's the way it's supposed to be. God speed my child. !
Pearl J. Nestor
Holding On.
Kayla Mitton
I call to you once more, knowing you do not listen.
I wonder if you even know who, or where I am.
Then I remember that you know me,
but that does not mean that you understand.
Can’t you see that I only want a perfect life for you,
that I’m only showing you my love?
Yet you curse and revile me, as though
you don’t even know me.
You even tried to give me
to death,
but I won.
I love you with my entire heart,
even more than the world,
because you are the world to me.
Even as you push me away,
to be accepted by the world,
I hold you closer.
I will never let go.
Lila Al-Ghizawi
i get inside your mind
and make you get lost in your thoughts
of us together
your hands on my arms
my legs my back
i get inside your bed
and make you get lost in the sheets
your lips on my skin
the energy we make
the sweat drips down
i get inside your car
and make you lost on the road
the chaos we make
the fog on the windows
the radio on
i get inside your heart
and make you get lost in the beats
the thump of our bodies
the rushing blood
the pain i will cause you
Ebony hair
(tri tran)luoikiemvotoi
Each bundle of braided hair,
An empty lane without dirt and mud
To the root of his scalp,
Meeting his ebony skin
Where each one firmly pinned
Into the fleshy surface of the head.
Dark auburn in sunlight,
Shiny like a twirling disk in motion,
Reflecting its natural color
Upon his dark face...never lost its African curl;
His bundle of braided hair,
Inherited and treasured as something of a rare.
Ranieri Yllanes
Why do i keep chasin' a girl i can't get
why cant i jus let......he go from my mind n dreams
it jus may seem dayt im obsessed
but she wouldnt careless n my love is gettin more n more intense
wif a pinch of suspense lyke Double Jeopardy
but i didnt commit a crime im jus rhymin bout dis one
cuz out of everyone else im tha one who really truly cares for her
but she dont appreciate dayt, in fact she only cares for tha ones dayt r
wif no personality
allwayz in a group not showin individuality
maybe dayts whats wrong wif socitey
tryin to use other poeple to stir envy plus jealousy
among friends now they ur enemy
n dey be lyke dayt 4 centuies
even after death
but again i was tha only one derre 4 u wen u wept n upset
make u laugh lyke i was a clown when u were down turned ur frown upside down
wwent wif u last minute to a carnival to chyll have fun n play games
now dayt aint tha same, yo dayts jus lame.......i keep chasin n racin but i
cant win
BLOODY TEARS in my eyes cuz daytz wha i came to realize n now i despise doin
anythin stupid to u........huh i wish i can wish out of my problems
but dis aint the Fairy GodParents i have to slove em......huh life is hard,
but i can go throu it
lyke my poems throu tha wire to tha people's ears but to that girl i want u
to hear dis n look at the lyrics
cuz when i;m writin its importantt for u to find out, cuz dese are emotions
put down on paper, i jus dont wanna shout
so to the girl i cant get u will regret hagin wif that wanksta or drug
dealer n be missin me THA ONLY ONE WHO REALLY TRUTLY "CARED" 4
There is one
Whom I long for
But found none
Besides therefore
I become one
I’m left with none
Whom I long for
There is one
Whom I long for.
But none
Found I was alone , for
The one was not none
but unseen.
Does he love me?
He does it so often, I don't think that he's aware.
Of all the pain he causes me, it's like he doesn't care.
I don't know why i love him, the reason i'm yet to find.
I think about it all the time, I start to lose my mind.
Im not sure if he loves me back, he never lets it show.
The way he feels deep inside, He never lets me know.
He tells me that he loves me, Im sure that it's a lie.
Just the thought of losing him, all i seem to do is cry.
Maybe Im not good enough, or he just wants someone new.
Maybe its that his friends don't like me, I wouldn't have a clue.
If only i knew what went wrong, It started out just fine.
Maybe he's going to call it quits, If only we had more time.
But time we spend together, seems to go so quick.
Just thinking of the time we part, leaves me feeling sick.
I want to share my life with him, althought right now now i may be sad.
I just keep thinking of the special times, that we once had.
Holding On
Destiny Sophia Pini
I try to find the reasons
To keep you close to me,
But I keep finding these demons
That won’t just let me be
If I could find the answer
An answer I want to hear,
But I know I want you nearer
And that is what I fear
So I try and keep my distance
But I know it won’t be long,
Because I have no resistance
And everything won’t be so wrong
But if you go your way and I go mine
The only barrier between us is time
*Love and I*
my love and i like to stare
into the sky from the river
on his car hand in hand
making plans about tomorrow
my love and i drive too fast
we sleep too much for our own good
in one another's arms for hours
filling time with nothing
my love and i write love songs
about our eyes and smiles
we giggle madly in the night
remembering good times
my love and i love do dance
in the rain at midnight
on the road that i still walk
without my love by my side
i did cry about my love and i
when my love did not come home
but i still watch those starry skies
by the water all alone
Looking into the sudsy water
Hearing the drip, drip of the faucet
Feeling the bubbles caress your skin
Yearning for serenity you think…
What will happen if I stay
What will happen if I go
Your wrinkling fingers slowly run past your face
Holding your hair letting the rest of yourself go
The suds soon take effect on your nostrils
It hurts like no word can describe the pain
Nor the joy
You’ll soon find the answers to your questions
As your body fights for air
As you retain yourself
Fog rolls in
Then everything…turns
You’re soon forgetting everything
What you’re doing
Even who you are
Till everything goes black…
My Little Angel
Yvette Bautista
I already named you in my mind I recall
After somebody who gave another a fall.
A wonderful being who's love as big as God
The same God who created the big flood.
He like the others so full of joy like the spring
Accompanying everyone under his wings.
My son, my son how happy and honored I am
To name you after a great one who's like The Lamb.
So meek and gentle yet feared by the enemy
Swiftly soaring through the skies with his army.
O great Saint, O famous one please protect my son
I entrust him to your care, my little angel ... MIGUEL
"You Are My Everything"
Carlos Agront-
You are my
whole life,
Your my one and
only love,
Your my one and
only wife,
You remind of
the stars above.
You are my
You are the
wonderful breeze,
That passes
right through me,
You are the
blood that flows through my veins,
you are all my
dreams that pass through my brain.
You are my
You are my love
that makes me go insane,
You are my
You are the
love that i will not handle like a game,
You are my
You are my
You are the
spirit in me,
you are my
Your the light
that i always see,
You are my full
You are my
You are the
stars that fill up the skies,
You are the
sounds of melody,
You are my
princess before my eyes,
You are the
force of the wind, when it gets real windy.
You are my
When your lips touch mine
it makes me quiver.
When your lips touch mine
I am happy.
When your lips touch mine
I feel like we are the only ones
in whole world.
That is why I love your
lips against mine.
Julio Darrell Lopez
faded memories choke me,
the love for your taste, the taste for your love
the warmth you brought to me as we danced
as we made love to the night when we kissed
and when we laid on an over used bed
with sheets unknown to my skin.
wouldn't guess where they could have been,
all in the same night.
the morning after we kissed a couple more times.
i could sense your innocence
feel your inner child and the women you're becoming.
it was only for one night and half a morning
i met you and felt your face
in foreign places
unknown to me
to you
to both
He told me that he loved me and that we would never part.
He said to me that our love was like a work of art.
He lives to far away now, almost a hundred miles.
So he took my heart, chopped it up, and left it there in piles.
We are done, it is over, there really isn't anything left to say.
Except that maybe, just maybe, we will be together again, someday.
Jacqueline Perito
when will this pain go away?
when will these tears dry away?
even though i don't have you today
maybe things happened this way
and with hurt and sorrow i had to pay.
you had me like a dame, so tame
calm, and with the blame.
things weren't right from the start,
cause after 2 weeks, you had a change of heart
why couldn't you tell me i was a game?!
instead of leaving me here with so much pain.
just think about what you could've had
even when you want me back.....!
Sara Oliver
Hate is a word
too strong to say
it destroys the lives
of the everyday
it helps to turn
the minds of our young
it destroys everything
and everyone
no one is safe
with hate in their hearts
it reaches out
and takes and a part
only love
can light the way
to keep the world
from the hate
so let the love
shine on through
to keep the world bright
for me and you
You promised to never leave.
That you would always stay.
But now your in pain;
And day by day you getting farther
I know were your going is a better
But its not the same with out you
I wish we had spent more time
We have to make the best of what we
have left.
And remember it forever.
But to see you in pain; hurts me
I don't want to show you,
Because I don't want you to cry.
I hope and pray you get better
And that we can have more time
But I know sooner or later we will
have to say
I Love You Grandpa!!
I don't want you to die.
Sharon Guilfoyle
Your presence is a high
like I've never felt
Your very essence by my side
makes my entire body melt
what I feel is a feeling I never knew
my thoughts are twisted and falling so
deep into you
white and black skin entangled as one
exploding beyond Heaven,stars,and the
So beautiful,this love has got me
soft black skin on my lips,I could die
this way
Your eyes are diamonds,
Forever true
This is paradise
being here with you.
Six months on a winding road
With mirrors on every curve
Reveals a love so brightly shown
What's yet to come in unknown
The hidden road that lies ahead
Only guarantees us to grow
Twenty-six weeks of secrets being
And dumped into a forgotten hole
That has broken our only covering
Making the light we share more radiant
With the bonds becoming stronger
I feel my feelings begin to circumvent
One hundred eighty-two days
Of all the things we could be said in
a single phrase
And that is "I love you"
How many times have we shared those
Not even I could say truly known by
Is in a phrase I wish I had more
moments to say
Love is in my mouth complete by words
"I love you"
by Candice Bryant
I fell from your sky last night
Hit a few stars on the way down
Soared through clouds of tangled cotton
Pulled down sheets of velvet rain
I touched the moon and called him mine
He shined his glow upon my face
Made me feel alive again
To bad he went away
What is there to say to a woman that's
broken hearted,
Especially if it's your fault something
you started,
In her memory eventually dearly
Seperated from my euphoria am i
Took it all for granted now i sit here
all alone,
She actually left this time and left a
broken home,
I call it broken cuz everything she left
is broken,
Broken heart broken soul cry so much im
Emotional brake down there goes part of
my life,
Get over you i might but your name is
like a knife,
Every time i hear it it sinks alittle
Wonder if u think of me gorgeous my
heart's keeper,
Used to look into your eyes see way past
the physical,
You was my ritual now im here missing
A needle in a haystack exactly what im
looking for,
But there's so many options a choice of
different doors,
That i must choose this time i can't
Why u have to leave me like this im so
Not even a phone call not even a letter,
Its been a while already i thought i'd
be much better,
But i guess the pain it never really
goes away,
There's something there to remind you
just about each day,
The scent of another woman or the way
she walks,
Or just the way she looks at you
everytime you talk,
It might sound crazy baby look what you
did to me,
You made the heaven's unfold in front of
me beautifully,
But left with the color of the skies and
the stars,
But left behind the bitter lie's and the
To the sight they invincible but they
remain large,
How could i disregard you and let u go
so easily,
Never really overstood how much you was
pleasing me,
Never knew what i really had 'till it
was gone,
Now all i have left is memories and
these songs,
A couple pictures here and there but
whats the use,
Everytime i look at them it tighten's up
the noose,
Apostale was right the pedestal was
And i didn't bother to tighten it up and
call a truce,
A fairy tale gone wrong told by mother
Help me jesus i suffered another lost,
But i learned from my mistakes
negligence was the cost,
So hard to say goodbye although i tried,
In you i still confide till the day i
The fall and the rise right before my
Knowing that i wasn't innocent
My Mom is Like A Rose
By: Cody Bowlds
My mom is like a rose
Her mind growing and changing
Sometimes she is like a thorn in my side
Other times she smells so sweet
Red, pink, white, and purple
Every day changing colors
Her thoughts get bigger and bigger
Until someone cuts her down
Then she starts to grow again
Slowly but definitely growing
But the process starts all over again
Growing and cutting and growing and
Gina Steffey
The setting sun casts an orangish
Glow on your face.
The sky is the color of a mango.
We sit outside.
Just me and my grandpa.
The warm breeze turns cool
With the setting sun.
My bare feet push off the wooden
Boards of the deck
Making my chair rock back and forth
Back and Forth.
We’ve been talking for an hour
Talking about everything
Some things you say, you’ll have to
Wait until I’m older to tell.
We listen to the Ping Ping Ping of
Box Elder Bugs
Hitting the aluminum tool shed.
When night falls
And the first stars dot the sky
We sit
In silence
And gaze at the stars.
Am I in love with YOU
For years now you’ve made me feel
How special I am to you..
I was hesitant about your feelings
Cause I don’t want to be hurt.
Later on, you told me you love me
But then, I don’t know why
Am I too blind to see?
And too deaf to hear
The sweet words you say and
The kind acts you do.
Years passed now,
There are few things that changed
But still you told me you love me..
Now I don’t know what am I feeling
I afraid I am beginning to feel
something special
Something I have ignored before
I know you’re in love with somebody
That’s why I wanted to ignore this
But then I started missing you
Your words, that make me smile when
I’m blue
Could it be just that I miss you?
Or I am in love with you?
Tears burn scratches into my face
I've lit the flames and can only watch
them burn
Through the pervading crimson which
blurs my vision
Seeping slowly, fading fast
Your memory lingers, an ominous cloud
Bringing the darkness
Your name is bitter on my tongue
Yet I scream it still
A distraction from the cold
The mirror shards reflect my
Shattered self, a shadow on the wall
Constricting lungs spasm
Within grief's grip
You've stoned me with your words,
And beat me with your laugh,
Yet your beauty tied the noose
And left me swaying. for all to see
A warning for those in my wake
My grip on the blade weakens
I feel reality slip with the knife
And never hear it fall
Just the fading echo in the dark
My Angel
Amanda Williamson
her eyes are the clear blue sky,
her smile brightens up the darkest of
her hair is the most radiant of
her skin is softer than a lambs ear,
her gentle embrace feels so wonderful,
she makes you feel that you are
my angel is the sun in my eyes,
I love my angel,
and she loves me
Tears of a Broken Heart
Farrah Walker
I have cried many tears in my life time. Tears of joy, tears of sorrow tears
of regrets and tears of fear for tomorrow. But none flowed so freely as the
tears of a broken heart. For as each one fell down the hot cheeks of a downcast
face, a crack from within sounded as thin ice would sound if pressure were
laid. As the crack spidered across my heart as if it were made of glass the
final tear dropped and yet my heart did not shatter. So up I stood
from my knelt potition, unclenched my arms from my stomach and stood, opened
my eyes and slowly looked upward. What I beheld was enough to set my soul on
fire. The angel of love with eyes filled with my pain. He said unto me,
" Cry not for lost love but rejoice for love to come. The gift of love
you have given and was not returned, came with a lesson I hope you've
learned. The gif of love is selfless and pure and one day it will be
returned to you, of that I'm sure. That will be yout salvation, to!
your broken heart, the cure.
Until then open your eyes and see the truth and not the illusion. Then
together let your mind and heart come to this conclusion. Never give up hope
or the quest for love because He knows your soulmate and He's always
watching from above. He's waiting for the righy time and only He knows when,
but always know this until then: Let your heart be filled with a love so
true, because our Father who Art in Heaven will always love you.
By:Cheyenne Tanner
Our friendship is like a marriage!
We are loyal,
We trust each other.
We love each other and always will!
We have fun together,
We cant talk about any thing.
and love each other unconditionally!
danielle St. Pierre
You are like the Christmas season.
Like an ornament on the evergreen
you are beautiful
and unique.
Like signing to the Carpenters
Wish you a merry Christmas ,
it is a carol you can listen to 100
and still listen to 100 times more.
Like eggnog on a cold winters night,
it is sweet and comforting.
Like snuggling by the fire,
you feel protected and content.
You are all these things to me, and
my Christmas's wouldn't
be the same
Poems Copyright ©
designated authors 2004.
Page Copyright © 2004.

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