Born 1925 in Berlin, Germany. He studied in Berlin, Hamburg and Paris,
and taught art at the now called Fachhochschule Hannover, Germany.
He lived till 1981, in Berlin and Hamburg, Germany; then he moved with his
wife, Jane, to Gualala, California, U.S.A.
Books by Werner Reichhold
1989, AHA Books, 100 pages, 7: 9". The book contains 51 installations and
drawings plus text, haiku and kanji. Winner of Haiku Society of America Merit
Book Award.
1989, AHA Books, 172 pages, 8,5:11”. 95 haiku, 25 installations, 16
drawings, 10 collages, 6 photographs.
Bridge of Voices
1990, AHA Books, 142 pages, 8,5: 11". Haiku sequences, tanka and renga
(partly translated into French, German, Italian, Hebrew and Arabic). 29
collages, installations and drawings.)
1991, AHA Books, 11:17". The book contains haiku, tanka, free-verse and
dialogues. A multi media show with collages, installations, photo-collages and
Layers of Content
1993, AHA Books, 5,5:8,5". The book contains fifty-two haiku sequences
and mixed genres with an introduction by Kevin Bailey, Editor of the magazine
Haiku Quarterly, England.
In The Presence
by Jane Reichhold and Werner Reichhold, 1998, AHA Books, 5,5:8,5". The
book contains tanka sequences by Jane Reichhold and Werner Reichhold. The book
is dedicated to the Imperial Family of Japan, Emperor Akihito and Empress
Michiko, Crown Prince Naruhito and Princess Masako, in celebration of the
invitation to the New Year's Poetry Reading (Utakai Hajime) at the Imperial
Court on January 14th, 1998.
CYBERTRY I, 1995. Fifteen poems, including haiku, tanka sequences and
CYBERTRY II, 1996. Mixed genres: Prose and haiku, prose and tanka -
sijo sequence and prose, free verse, dialogue, tanka and haiku - ghazal, haiku
and tanka - Six Portraits - Two Plays. Symbiotic Poetry: alternately written
prose, haiku and tanka (together with Jane Reichhold.)
CYBERTRY III, 1998. Twelve free verse poems
CYBERTRY IV, 1998, Notationen: a collection of poems in German
Participation in Anthologies
Round Renga Round, 1990, Fifteen Kasen Renga, AHA Books
The San Francisco Haiku Anthology, 1992, Smythe-Waithe Press, U.S.A.
duizend kolibries, 1993, The Netherlands
Haiku Moment, 1993, Charles E. Tuttle, U.S.A.
Dreams Wander, 1994. Haiku Society of America, Members' Anthology,
One Breath, 1995, Haiku Society of America, Members' Anthology, U.S.A.
Jahrbuch der Deutschen Haiku-Gesellschaft, 1995, Germany
Wind Five Folded, 1994, an Anthology of English-Language Tanka. AHA
Books, U.S.A.
Haiku for Lovers, 2003, MQ Publications, London, England
1961 Knaurs Lexikon der modernen Plastik
1962 Plastik des 20. Jahrhunderts, Gerd von der Osten
1962 Standplastiken aus Stahl, Paul Vogt
1963 Junge deutsche Bildhauer, Udo Kultermann
1964 Plastik der Gegenwart, Ulrich Gertz
1970 Deutsche Kunst - eine neue Generation, Rolf Gunter Dienst
1972 Deutsche Kunst der sechziger Jahre, Jürgen Morschel
1982 Kunst und Kirche, Hartmut Winde
Werner Reichhold's poems appeared in the following magazines:
Mirrors, Lynx, Modern Haiku, Frogpond, Raw NerVZ, Luna Bisonte
Prods, The American Tanka, (all USA), and The Tanka Journal
(Japan), Haiku International (Japan), The Haiku Quarterly
(England), Vierteljahresschrift der Deutschen Haiku-Gesellschaft, Albatross
(Romania), Sparrow (Croatia), Woodpecker (The Netherlands)
Since 1993, Jane and Werner Reichhold are Co-editors of Lynx, an International
Journal for Linking Poets, published by AHA Books as a hard copy till 1998,
since 2000
Jane and Werner Reichhold were invited by The Imperial Family of Japan,
Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, Crown Prince Naruhito and Princess
Masako, in celebration of The New Year's Poetry Reading (Utakai Hajime) at the
Imperial Court on January 14th, 1998.
Werner Reichhold
Art Exhibits
One man exhibits:
1955 Galerie von der Hoeh, Hamburg, Germany, sculptures und
1960 Galerie Brusberg, Hannover, G., steel sculptures and
1966 Galerie Brusberg, Hannover, G., steel sculptures and
1978 Kunstverein Oldenburg, G., steel sculptures and
1978 Galerie Falazik, Neuenkirchen, G., steel sculptures and
1979 Galerie Levy, Hamburg, installations
1979 Kunsthaus Hamburg, G., Museumsinsel, steel installation
1980 Am Bahnhof Dammtor, Hamburg, G., "Krakencatcher",
steel installation
1980 Städtische Sammlungen Duisburg-Rheinhausen, G.,
1980 Hamburger Kunsthalle, G., steel-objects und
1980 Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, G., steel-objects und
1982 Landesbildstelle Hamburg, G., photo installations
1982 Gnadenkirche Hamburg, G., multimedia installation
1983 Mendocino Art Center, CA, USA, paper installation
1983 Bananabelt Gallery, CA, USA, paper installation
1983 North Light Gallery, CA, USA, drawings
1985 Kunstverein Pforzheim, G., Installation "Brennt
der Raum?"
1985 Galerie Broetzinger Art, Pforzheim, G., paper
installation, drawings and
Group Exhibits
1957 Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany, Plastik und Zeichnungen
1958 -1983, Deutscher Künstlerbund, G., (yearly exhibits)
1960 Deutsche Kunst nach 1945 : Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo,
Santiago de
Chile, Montevideo
1962 Deutsche Plastik, Schweden: Malmö, Stockholm, Göteborg,
Norrköping, Helsingborg
1962 Kunstverein Hannover, exhibits in Spring and Autumn
1963 Museum Dortmund, G., Creatura
1963 Galerie Brockstedt, Hamburg, G.
1963 Villa Massimo, Roma, Italia, winners of the Rome Award
1963 Junge Stadt Sieht Junge Kunst, Wolfsburg, G.
1963 Museum Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt, G., Darmstädter
1964 Steel sculptures, Salon Comparaison, Paris, France
1964 Augsburg, G., Deutsche Bildhauer
1964 Kunstverein Hannover, G., Frühjahrs-und
1966 Akademie der Künste, Berlin, G., Junge Generation
1966 Foundation Pagani, Milano, Italia, Sculptures
1966 Musée Rodin, Paris, France: Third International Exhibit of
1966 Skulptur in unserer Zeit, Erlangen, G.
1967 Paris, France: Tendences
1967 Museum Folkwang, Essen, G., Hamburger Graphiker
1967 Hannover, G., Deutsche Zeichner
1967 Darmstadt, G., 2. Internationale der Handzeichnung
1967 Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund, G., Wege 1967
1967 Kunstverein Hannover, G., Fruehjahrsaustellung
1972 Kunsthaus, Hamburg, G., Hamburger Bildhauer
1973 Sammlung Carl Vogel: Deutsche Zeichnungen der Gegenwart:
Hamburg, Osnabrück G.,
Oslo, Norwegen
1974 Haus der Kunst, München: Zeichnungen
1976 Deutsche Bildhauer, Helsinki, Finland
1977 Galerie Falazik, Neuenkirchen, G.: Material aus der
Landschaft - Kunst in die Landschaft, sculpturen
1979 Europäischer Skulpturenpark, Willebadessen, G.,
1979 Kunstverein Stuttgart, G., Szenen der Volkskunst
1979 Tokio, Japan: Deutsche Metallbildhauer
1980 Rottweil: Koffer für Rottweil, steel sculpture
1983 Sammlung Siegenthaler, Bad Säckingen, Schweiz
1983 Galerie Falazik, Neuenkirchen, G., Von Gestern bis
1984 Dortmund, G.: Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts
1985 Wihelm Hack-Museum: Sammlung Westermann
1985 Muenster, G.: Das Tier in Skulptur und Zeichnung
1987 Copy-Art, Stuttgart und Pforzheim, G.
1987 Medium Photocopy, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Centre Bronfman
1988 Goethe-Haus, New York, USA : Copy-Art, Installations
1989 Fellbach, G., Rathaus, Sammlung Westermann
1995 Rastatt, Städtische Galerie Fruchthalle, Sammlung Westermann
Reichhold’s works are included in 56 international catalogues, published by
museums and galleries between 1955 and 1995
Collections / Collectors
Jürgen Weichardt - Ulrich Gertz - Roland Rasmussen
- Ruth Dunkelmann - Helmut R. Leppien - Alfred
Hentzen - Carl Vogel - Dieter Brusberg -
H. Brockstedt - Guenter Westermann - Howard und
Rosemarie Beinhoff - Sabine Sommerkamp - Cordelia Ewerth
- Inge Chevalier - Christoph Meckel - Helmuth
Winde - Ingo und Cordelia Ewerth - Ulrike Loos -
Elke Paulus - Wolfgang Koehtke - Siegfried Salzmann
- J. und U. Meyer-Rogge - Thomas Kubisch -
Tilmann Osterwold - Ruth Falazik - Eduard Beauchamp
- Helmut Rogge - Rolf Nesch - Peter und I.
Jakobi - Peter Goettsche - Ernst und Karin Lewrenz
- Horst Sandtmann - Sigfried Salzmann - Harry
und Annelie Ludzuweit
Robert Gibson - Millert Sheets - F. und L. Watrous
- C. Hardy - C. Erdei - Kathleen Finck
- Ilse and Henry Reichhold - Heidi Vetter -
Carlos Breuer - Heidi and Don Endemann -
Bill Elmore - Leslie Scalapino - Tom White
Ernst und Nadia Zietzschmann - Fred Siegenthaler
Walter Breuer
Alberto Tessore - Direktor Gericke - Erna Pautassi
- Sammlung Pagani - Direktor Rosenberg
1961 Lichtwarck-Stipendium der Stadt Hamburg, Germany.
1961 Rom Award
1965 Edwin Scharff-Preis
Page Copyright © Werner Reichhold 2004.